A static file server with live reload.
$ npm install smoke-web -g
$ smoke-web ./ --port 5000
Smoke-Web is a static file web server that live reloads HTML pages on file change. It is primarily geared towards development workflows where code edits should result in automatic page refresh.
$ smoke-web <directory> --port <number> --trace --cors
Examples: smoke-web ./dist
smoke-web ./dist --port 5001
smoke-web ./dist --trace
--port The server port. default is 5000.
--cors Allow cross-origin requests.
--trace Print requests in terminal.
The following project tasks are available.
$ npm run clean # cleans this project $ npm run start # starts serving ./output/bin in watch. $ npm run pack # npm packs this tool. $ npm run install-cli # installs this tool locally. $ npm run templates # builds static templates