
0.0.13 • Public • Published


Send SMS from a connected device with 3G modem. This package requires Gammu to send text messages.

Install and setup of Gammu

  1. Install Gammu: sudo apt-get install gammu (in case of trouble try apt-get update first)
  2. Plug in your modem (phone or use stick)
  3. Find your devices port: dmesg | grep tty (e.g. ttyUSB0)
  4. Configure Gammu: gammu-config or see below (mainly configure port, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0)
  5. Test device configuration: gammu --identify
  6. Setup PIN code for GSM card: gammu --entersecuritycode PIN 1234

Installation for Node.js

npm install sms -g

Setup and Run

Setup your SMS environment in a folder of your choice.

Create config.js and set up like this:

module.exports = {
	"timeout": 30000,
	"patternLang": "en",
	"patterns": {
		"de": {
			"messageSeparator": 'Speicherplatz ([0-9]{1,3}), Ordner "([a-zA-Z]{3,})", ([a-zA-Z\-]{3,}), ([a-zA-Z]{3,})',
			"separatorAttributes": ['messageId', 'folder', 'storage', 'folderName'],
			"bodyDefinition": 'SMS-Nachricht\r\nSMSC-Nummer[\s ]*: "([0-9\+]*)"\r\nGesendet[\s ]*: (.*)\r\nZeichenkodierung[\s ]*: (.*)\r\nNummer[\s ]*: "(.*)"\r\nStatus[\s ]*: (.*)\r\n\r\n(.*)',
			"bodyAttributes" : ["smsc", "sendDateStr", "encoding", "phoneNumber", "status", "message"]
		"en": {
			"messageSeparator": 'Location ([0-9]{1,3}), folder "([a-zA-Z]{3,})", ([a-zA-Z\- ]{3,}), ([a-zA-Z ]{3,})',
			"separatorAttributes": ['messageId', 'folder', 'storage', 'folderName'],
			"bodyDefinition": 'SMS message\r\nSMSC number[\s ]*: "([0-9\+]*)"\r\nSent[\s ]*: (.*)\r\nCoding[\s ]*: (.*)\r\nRemote number[\s ]*: "(.*)"\r\nStatus[\s ]*: (.*)\r\n\r\n(.*)',
			"bodyAttributes" : ["smsc", "sendDateStr", "encoding", "phoneNumber", "status", "message"]

where is..

  • timeout: time between two message fetches
  • messageSeparator: regular expression to detect each message and find some attributes
  • separatorAttributes: ordered list of attribute keys, correspondig to "messageSeparator"
  • bodyDefinition: regular expression to find a bunch of attributes from a message
  • bodyAttributes: is the ordered list of attribute keys, corresponding to "bodyDefinition"

Now run smsd in that folder.

Run smsd

smsd has 4 different modes:

  1. a register mode
  2. a render mode
  3. a read mode
  4. a send mode

Calling the reader without parameters is the render mode: after a given timeout SMS are called from gateway. If there is a new message, all registered applications are called to fetch messages by calling with read mode.


Other command line applications can register to be informed by a call of some command line code:

smsd --register=foo

Fetch messages with read mode:

smsd --read

Send a message with send mode:

smsd --send --to=+491234567 --message="Hello World"

Phone number has to be led by country code with a leading plus sign, e.g. +42123454389 !

Usage as library

Documentation will come soon...

More on Gammu

For further information on Gammu read

Gammu config example

This is an example for a Gammu configuration. On Windows use port with COM example, adjusted to your system. How you can detect your modem is here

Create gammurc file on Linux like:

  1. ~/.gammurc
  2. /etc/gammurc

On Windows gammurc file is in the same directory as gammu.exe is or in the same directory where you will call gammu. Read more about configuration here.

port = /dev/ttyS0
;port= com10:
connection = at115200
;synchronizetime = yes
;logfile = /home/says/gammulog
;logformat = textall
;use_locking = yes
;gammuloc = locfile
;startinfo = yes
;gammucoding = utf8
;rsslevel = teststable
;usephonedb = yes

Test connection with:

gammu --identify

Send a message manually:

gammu sendsms TEXT 0123456789 -text "Hello Foo"




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  • marcusbaer