simple API wrapper for Snowpipe for . At time of writing only Python and Java were available SDKs
snowpipe intro:
Note that there is also an auto-ingest feature built into snowflake.
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { getLatestSecret } from '../src/SecretsManager';
import { APIEndpointHistory, createSnowpipeAPI } from 'snowflake-ingest-node';
describe(' > Snowflake API harness', () => {
let snowflakeAPI: {
loadHistoryScan: (pipeName: string, startTimeInclusive: string, endTimeExclusive?: string) => Promise<string>;
insertReport: (pipeName: string, beginMark?: string) => Promise<string>;
insertFile: (filenames: string[], pipeName: string) => Promise<string>;
endpointHistory: () => APIEndpointHistory;
const getSnowflakeAPI = async () => {
const {
snowflake_username: username,
snowflake_region_id: regionId,
snowflake_cloud_provider: cloudProvider,
snowflake_account: account,
snowflake_private_key: privateKeyName
} = process.env;
const privateKey = await getLatestSecret(privateKeyName);
const result = createSnowpipeAPI(username, privateKey, account, regionId, cloudProvider, {
recordHistory: true
return result;
beforeEach(async () => {
snowflakeAPI = await getSnowflakeAPI();
// Case-sensitive, fully-qualified pipe name. For example, myDatabase.mySchema.myPipe.
const PIPE_NAME = 'myDatabase.mySchema.myPipe';
it.skip('insertFile', async () => {
try {
/* const response =*/ await snowflakeAPI.insertFile(['/transactions/1602017572486-0000-00-00:00:00.csv'], PIPE_NAME);
} catch (e) {
it.skip('insertReport', async () => {
try {
/* const response = */ await snowflakeAPI.insertReport(PIPE_NAME, '33161bae019054d7aa5839ffbd60a85c');
} catch (e) {
it('loadHistoryScan', async () => {
// start time is in ISO 8601 format zulu timezone. Probably use a library like
try {
/* const response =*/ await snowflakeAPI.loadHistoryScan(PIPE_NAME, '2020-09-21T02:00:00.000Z');
} catch (e) {
console.error('error', e);
You'll want to ensure your private key is secure in a vault or secret management (I am storing the lookup key as an environment variable). The rest could come from environment or hard coding. Here is a sample .env
as above for running locally and against your setup in the cloud likely serverless:
snowflake_private_key=<your key>
snowflake_account=<snowflake account>
snowflake_username=<user you created with permission to pipe>
snowflake_region_id=<region is optional see docs ie: us-central1>
snowflake_cloud_provider=<optional as well. see docs: could be gcp (you can get this from your instance website full URL>
You can just copy the one file or add via npm:
yarn add snowflake-ingest-node
yarn add jwt-simple
There is a peer dependency on jwt-simple
, so make sure it is added as well. There are no other dependencies except for built-in node (https and crypto) modules.