
3.2.8 • Public • Published


SOAJS deployer runs inside your docker image and helps you deploy from source code and run your application

SOAJS deployer paths:

Path Description
/opt/soajs/soajs.deployer The location of soajs deployer inside the image
/opt/soajs/soajs.deployer/deployer The working directory
/opt/soajs/tmp the temp directory that deployer use while executing

Environment variables

Source code repository

These environment variables works for Nodejs and Golang

NOTE: if provider is equal to bitbucket then the domain can by for SaaS or the domain for your enterprise bitbucket installation

ENV Variable Description Default Example
SOAJS_GIT_ACC_INFO A stringified JSON object null '{"token":null,"provider":"bitbucket","owner":"soajs","domain":""}'
SOAJS_GIT_REPO_INFO A stringified JSON object null '{"repo":"soajs.deployer.example.config","branch":"master","commit":null}'


The deployment path of golang source code is @[/go/src/REPO] where [REPO] is the value set @ SOAJS_GIT_REPO_INFO


The deployment path of nodejs source code is @[/opt/soajs/node_modules/REPO] where [REPO] is the value set @ SOAJS_GIT_REPO_INFO

ENV Variable Description Default Example
SOAJS_SRV_MEMORY Controle nodejs max_old_space_size the number of megabytes allowed null 4096
SOAJS_SRV_MAIN The main file for nodejs application . app.js

Configuration repository

SOAJS deployer allows you to add a configuration content from a git repository. This repository has a working example []

if you end up adding your own nginx.con make sure you have teh following [worker_processes 1; daemon off;]

ENV Variable Description Default Example
SOAJS_ENV The environment where you are deploying dev
SOAJS_CONFIG_ACC_INFO A stringified JSON object null '{"token":null,"provider":"github","owner":"soajs","domain":""}'
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_INFO A stringified JSON object null '{"repo":"soajs.deployer.example.config","branch":"master","commit":null}'


The configuration path of nginx is /etc/nginx/, if you have a custom location you can set the SOAJS_NX_LOC

The certificates path is /opt/soajs/certificates/ where you will find [dhparam.pem fullchain.pem privkey.pem]

Please note that there is no need to do any configuration regarding SSL, it is done automatically when you set SOAJS_SSL_CONFIG

ENV Variable Description Default Example
SOAJS_GATEWAY_CONFIG A stringified JSON object. domainPrefix only needed for dashboard env to update the console UI configuration with SOAJS_EXTKEY null '{"ip":"","port":"4000","domain:"","domainPrefix":"api"}'
SOAJS_SITES_CONFIG A stringified JSON object null '["git":{"token":null,"provider":"bitbucket","owner":"soajs","domain":"","repo":"soajs.deployer.example.config","branch":"master","commit":null},"conf":{"domains:["", ""],"folder":"/"}]'
SOAJS_SSL_CONFIG A stringified JSON object. domains is an array of extra domains to create SSL certifications for null '{"email":"","redirect":true,domains":["",""]}'
SOAJS_NX_LOC Do not set this if you do not know what you are doing /etc/nginx/
SOAJS_SSL_SECRET set this to true if you want to use secret to handle ssl, you must get a certificate and add these files fullchain-crt and private-key not set location /opt/soajs/certificates/secret/
SOAJS_NX_API_DOMAIN_PREFIX to deploy console ui as standalone not set

NGINX Console binary

ENV Variable Description Default Example
SOAJS_GATEWAY_CONFIG A stringified JSON object. domainPrefix only needed for dashboard env to update the console UI configuration with SOAJS_EXTKEY null '{"ip":"","port":"4000","domain:"","domainPrefix":"api"}'
SOAJS_NX_SITE_DOMAIN The domain for soajs console in case the binary image is used null
SOAJS_SSL_CONFIG A stringified JSON object. domains is an array of extra domains to create SSL certifications for null '{"email":"","redirect":true,domains":["",""]}'
SOAJS_EXTKEY The tenant external key to use null
SOAJS_NX_SITE_FOLDER used to point to a build folder null '/build/'


ENV Variable Description Default Example
SOAJS_ENV The environment where you are deploying dev dev
SOAJS_PROFILE_LOC The profile location. this is needed when you deploy a soajs service /opt/soajs/profiles/
SOAJS_REGISTRY_API Where is the gateway of this env to fetch registry from. this is needed when you deploy a service behind SOAJS Gateway BLANK ""
SOAJS_DEPLOYER_TYPE To restrict only a type to be allowed


Copyright SOAJS All Rights Reserved.

Use of this source code is governed by an Apache license that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.




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