use a socks server for web request modification
This module starts a socks server and handle HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket and UDP requests, it can be used to modify these requests and their responses.
TCP requests are only checked whether those are HTTP requests, or the request will be recognized as a HTTPS request, so don't send other protocols' requests to this server.
This module can just be a HTTP interceptor or HTTP proxy server without socks part.
npm i socksinthemiddle
const {SocksInTheMiddle}=require('socksInTheMiddle');
const fs=require('fs');
let server=new SocksInTheMiddle({
socksPort:1090,//set a socks server port, set to false to disable this server
httpPort:0,//random port, set to false to disable this server
httpsPort:0,//random port, set to false to disable this server
httpsOptions:{//options for https server
Then set your application's socks5 proxy setting to
If http(s)Port
or the socksPort
is not a number, that server will not be created. You must fill the httpsOptions
option if you want to create a server that supports HTTPS protocol.
You can create a CA yourself and sign a certificate for the target domain then fill TLS options in httpsOptions
Both modder functions can modify http headers for the request or the response.
If the function returns a Transform stream, raw data will be piped in and the stream will be piped to the target.
If the function returns just a Readable stream, raw data will be ignored, and the stream will be piped to the target.
const {BufferModder}=require('socksInTheMiddle');
const { Readable } = require('stream');
//HTTP modifier
server.setHTTPModder(async (reqOptions) => {//request modifier
/* You can read or change request behaviour by setting reqOptions properities */
//for more details, see RequestOptions class in index.js.
reqOptions.method;// http method
reqOptions.scheme;// "http"|"https"|"ws" etc.;// target host, can contain port
reqOptions.port;// target port
reqOptions.path;// http path
reqOptions.headers;// this is a cloned headers object from client request, you can modify it, but don't set pseudo-header headers here
reqOptions.autoHttp2;// auto use http2 if target server support it, defaults to true
reqOptions.passingOptions;// other options to be passed to the request method, depending on different protocol, this may contain different options
/* Read only properities */
reqOptions.clientHttpVersion;// client's http version, such as 1 or 2
// request from client, this can be http.IncomingMessage or http2.IncomingMessage, depending on clientHttpVersion
// response to client, this can be http.OutgoingMessage or http2.OutgoingMessage, depending on clientHttpVersion
// extract hostname fron host properity
// extract port fron port or host properity
/* Methods */
reqOptions.toURL();//construct a url string from object properties, this is only for debug, will not change relay behaviour
/* Examples (each block is an example) */
const {
} = reqOptions;
//delete etag in header
if (reqOptions.path.startsWith('/favicon.ico')) {
delete headers['Etag'];
//If yout want to do a custom responding or to block the request,
//just operate the resToClient object like a common http response and return false here.
//`return undefined` means their is no "body modder"
//`return false` will block the request, no matter if the resToClient is ended or not
return false;
//If you want to edit request body, you can return a BufferModder, see below for example
return new BufferModder(buf => {
// buf is a Buffer object
return buf;//return a Buffer or a string is ok
// When returning to the request processing flow,
// if the resToClient is ended by you or some other reason,
// the relay request will not be sent to the target server
}, async (resOptions) => {//response modifier
/* you can read or change response behaviour by setting resOptions properities */
//for more details, see ResponseOptions class in index.js.
/* Read only properities */
// the RequestOptions instance used by the relay
// target server's http version, such as 1 or 2
// same as reqOptions.reqFromClient
// same as reqOptions.resToClient
// response from target server, this can be different class depending on serverHttpVersion
/* Examples (each block is an example) */
const { requestOptions, headers, resFromServer, reqFromClient } = resOptions;
//you can change response headers here and they will be sent back to client
// let the client don't cache this response
headers['cache-control'] = 'no-cache';
//You can return a Transform stream for modifying the result, such as BufferModder in this module.
//Decoded body stream will be piped to this Transform stream and then pipe to client response stream automatically.
//If not stream returned, the data will not be modified.
if (requestOptions.path.startsWith('/?')) {
//BufferModder is a convenient buffer collector that collect the whole response body
return new BufferModder(buf => {
let str = buf.toString();
return str.replace(/更多/g, '超级多');//return a Buffer or a string is ok
//If an Readable stream is returned, the response body from server will be ignored
const stream=new Readable();
stream.push(Math.random().toString());//push a random string to the stream
stream.push(null);//end the readable stream
return stream;//thsi steam will be pipe to client response
//UDP modifier
server.setUDPModder(async (fromClient, packet) => {
//modify udp packet here
fromClient;//this is packet from the client
// when fromClient is true
packet.address;//target address
packet.port;//target port;//client sent data
// when fromClient is false
packet.address;//source address
packet.port;//source port;//data
//If the packet was not from the client, modification on addreses and
//port will not take effect, because the packet must be sent back
//to the client
//change target address
//The websocket modifier is just for websocket messages, to modify http header or url, do it in HTTP modifier
req: reqFromClient
source: where do this message from: 'client' || 'server'
data: websocket data, if received binary data, it will be a Buffer object, otherwise a string
return data;//return any data what you want
You can ignore the socks part and just use this module as a HTTP interceptor or HTTP proxy server.
const {SocksInTheMiddle,BufferModder}=require('socksinthemiddle');
let server=new SocksInTheMiddle({
socksPort:false,//set here to false so the socks server will not start
httpsPort:false,//if this option is enabled,you should also set httpsOptions
//HTTP modifier
server.setHTTPModder(async (reqOptions)=>{//request modifier
const {
//you can change request headers here and they will be sent to target server
},(resOptions)=>{//response modifier
const {
const mime=headers['content-type'];
if (mime.endsWith('javascript')|| mime.startsWith('text') || mime.endsWith('json')) {
return new BufferModder(buf=>{
let str=buf.toString();
return str.replaceAll('','/taiko');//replace target domain in text responses
Then you can visit
for the proxied website.
To make the program logic clearer and increase compatibility with different http versions, the parameters of "reqMod" and "resMod" function for the setHTTPModder method are changed to a "RequestOptions" object(for reqMod) and a "ResponseOptions" object(for resMod).