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0.7.0 • Public • Published


sops-age is a Node.js library designed to decrypt files encrypted with SOPS (Secrets OPerationS) and the age encryption tool. This library provides an easy way to decrypt environment variables, configuration files, and other sensitive data encrypted with SOPS and age in your Node.js applications.


  • Supports decryption of SOPS files encrypted with age.
  • Compatible with various file formats including .env, .ini, .json, and .yaml.
  • Provides utility functions for loading and decrypting different types of SOPS files or strings.
  • Allows decrypted all or part of a SOPS encrypted data.


To install sops-age, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install sops-age


Decrypting a SOPS File

To decrypt a SOPS file, you first need to load the encrypted file and then decrypt it (or parts of it) using a secret age key:

import { decrypt, loadSopsFile } from "sops-age";

async function decryptSopsFile(filePath, secretKey) {
  try {
    // Load the SOPS file (auto-detects file types env, ini, json, yaml from extension)
    const sopsData = await loadSopsFile(filePath);

    // Decrypt the data using the secret key
    const decryptedData = await decrypt(sopsData, { secretKey });

    console.log("Decrypted Data:", decryptedData);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error decrypting SOPS file:", error);

const filePath = "./config.enc.yaml";
const secretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_AGE_KEY_HERE";
decryptSopsFile(filePath, secretKey);

Supported File Types

sops-age supports the following file types:

  • .env
  • .ini
  • .json
  • .yaml / .yml

The library automatically detects the file type based on the file extension. You can also manually specify the file type when loading a SOPS file.

API Reference

loadSopsFile(path, [sopsFileType])

Loads a SOPS file from the specified path. The sopsFileType parameter is optional and can be used to manually specify the file type (env, ini, json, yaml) when it can't be inferred from the file extension.

decrypt(sops, { secretKey: "AGE-key...", [keyPath] })

Decrypts the data from a loaded SOPS object using the provided secret key. If no secretKey is provided in the options, the SOPS_AGE_KEY will be used instead.

If keyPath is specified, only the value at the given path is decrypted and returned; otherwise, all decrypted data is returned.

const sopsData = await loadSopsFile(filePath);

// Decrypt only the DB_URI value secret key
const DB_URI = await decrypt(sopsData, { secretKey, keyPath: "DB_URI" });

Parsing Functions

  • parseSopsEnv(envString)
  • parseSopsIni(iniString)
  • parseSopsJson(json)
  • parseSopsYaml(yamlString)

These functions parse the strings of the specified type into a SOPS object that can be decrypted. Use this if you aren't working with files (e.g., SOPS data in a database).

// Assuming `env` contains a string in the form on an ENV file
const sopsData = parseSopsEnv(env);

const decryptedEnv = await decrypt(sopsData, { secretKey });


sops-age is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.




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