
1.1.0 • Public • Published


Osciliating Cat Demo

Sorcherer is a lightweight JavaScript library for attaching dynamic HTML overlays to Three.js Object3D instances. With Sorcherer, you can define overlays in your HTML using a custom <realm> tag and have them automatically update (with culling, distance‑based scaling, rotation via CSS, auto‑centering, dynamic variables, and more) based on your 3D scene’s state.


  • HTML Overlays for 3D Objects: Attach DOM overlays to any Three.js Object3D.
  • Custom <realm> Tag: Easily declare overlay elements with custom attributes.
  • Distance-Based Scaling: Scale overlays based on the actual Euclidean distance from the camera.
  • Rotation Simulation: Apply rotation from your Object3D via CSS’s rotate property. [!Currently Broken : D!]
  • Auto-Centering: Optionally center overlays relative to their computed screen positions.
  • DOM Culling: Efficient frustum culling to update only visible overlays.
  • Dynamic Variables: Use placeholders in overlay content (e.g. $dogCount=20$) that become accessible as properties on the overlay instance.
  • Global Access & Cloning: Access all overlays via Sorcherer.instancesById and clone overlays easily using the attachClone method.


Install via npm:

npm install sorcherer

Or clone the repository directly from GitHub.


Importing the Library

Use Sorcherer as an ES module:

import { Sorcherer } from 'sorcherer';

Defining Overlays via the <realm> Tag

Define overlays in your HTML with a custom <realm> tag. Each child element must have an idm attribute (matching a registered Object3D's name) and can include additional attributes:

  • simulate3D="true" – Enable distance‑based scaling.
  • simulateRotation="true" – Enable rotation via the CSS rotate property.
  • offset="x,y,z" – Set a custom offset (comma‑separated values).
  • autoCenter="true" – Center the overlay relative to its computed screen position.
  • scaleMultiplier="1.5" – Multiply the computed scale factor (default is given by Sorcherer.defaultScaleMultiplier).

Overlay content may include dynamic variable placeholders in the form $varName$ or $varName=defaultValue$.


Below is a complete HTML example that creates a Three.js scene with a rotating cube, registers the cube with Sorcherer, and defines an overlay via <realm> that displays osciliating_cat.gif. It also demonstrates dynamic variables and global instance access.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Sorcherer Demo – Osciliating Cat</title>
      body {
        margin: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        background: #222;
    <!-- Define overlays using the custom <realm> tag -->
           idm="cube"               => Matches a registered Object3D with name "cube"
           simulate3D="true"        => Enable distance-based scaling
           simulateRotation="true"  => Enable rotation via the CSS "rotate" property
           offset="0,0.5,0"         => Custom vertical offset
           autoCenter="true"        => Center the overlay relative to its computed position
           scaleMultiplier="1.5"    => Multiply the computed scale factor by 1.5
      <div idm="cube" simulate3D="true" simulateRotation="true" offset="0,0.5,0" autoCenter="true" scaleMultiplier="1.5">
        <img src="osciliating_cat.gif" alt="Osciliating Cat" style="max-width:100px; max-height:100px;"><br>
        Dog count: $dogCount=20$

    <script type="module">
      import * as THREE from 'three';
      import { Sorcherer } from 'sorcherer';

      // Set up the Three.js scene, camera, and renderer.
      const scene = new THREE.Scene();
      const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
      camera.position.z = 5;

      const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
      renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

      // Create a cube, name it "cube", and add it to the scene.
      const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
      const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00, wireframe: true });
      const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); = "cube";

      // Register the cube with Sorcherer.
      Sorcherer.autoSetup(camera, renderer);

      // Demonstrate updating a dynamic variable after 3 seconds.
      setTimeout(() => {
        Sorcherer.instancesById["cube"].dogCount = "42";
      }, 3000);

      // Animate the cube: circular motion in the xz-plane and oscillation along the y-axis.
      function animate() {
        const t = * 0.001;
        cube.position.x = Math.cos(t) * 2;
        cube.position.z = Math.sin(t) * 2;
        cube.position.y = Math.sin(t * 2) * 1;
        cube.rotation.x += 0.005;
        cube.rotation.y += 0.005;
        cube.rotation.z += 0.01;
        renderer.render(scene, camera);

      window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
        camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
        renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

API Reference

Static Methods

  • Sorcherer.registerObject3D(object)
    Registers a Three.js Object3D with the library using its name property as the key.

  • Sorcherer.attachFromRealm()
    Scans the DOM for a <realm> tag and attaches overlays based on child elements’ custom attributes.

  • Sorcherer.autoSetup(camera, renderer, interval?)
    Starts the auto-update loop that refreshes overlays based on camera changes. The optional interval (in ms) defaults to 16.

  • Sorcherer.defaultScaleMultiplier
    A static property that defines the default multiplier for distance‑based scaling. You can adjust it as needed:

    Sorcherer.defaultScaleMultiplier = 1.2;
  • Sorcherer.instancesById
    A global object mapping Object3D names (idm) to their overlay instances. You can access overlays directly, e.g.:

    Sorcherer.instancesById["cube"].dogCount = "42";

Instance Methods

  • attach(innerHTML)
    Attaches the provided HTML content to the overlay element (using innerHTML so that markup is parsed). This method also parses dynamic variable placeholders (e.g. $dogCount=20$) and creates getters/setters for direct access.

  • bufferInstance(camera, renderer)
    Updates the overlay’s position, scaling (distance‑based), rotation (via CSS rotate), and auto-centering based on the current camera and Object3D state. It also re-renders dynamic variables.

  • dispose()
    Removes the overlay element and cleans up references.

  • attachClone(targetObject, newName)
    Clones the current overlay instance and attaches the clone to the specified targetObject. The new overlay is assigned the provided newName and stored in Sorcherer.instancesById under that name.

  • Dynamic Variable Access:
    After calling attach(), any dynamic variable placeholder in the template becomes accessible directly as a property of the overlay instance. For example, if the template contains $dogCount=20$:

    Sorcherer.instancesById["cube"].dogCount = "42";
    console.log(Sorcherer.instancesById["cube"].dogCount); // "42"


Contributions are welcome! Please open issues or submit pull requests on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Only dependency is, of course, THREEJS

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  • mabbam