The interaction library for SoulWallet
Compatible Contracts • Documentation
Table of Contents
UserOperation can be built with a single function
Built-in Bundler module
Built-in CallData parsing module
Built-in common operations, such as ERC20 ERC721 ERC1155 (e.g. you can create a transfer UserOperation with one function)
Auto update preVerificationGas (lower deposit requirements for user)
⚠️ Note: current version will refactor the code in the future and cannot guarantee compatibility
Using npm:
$ npm install git+
Using yarn:
$ yarn add git+
Using pnpm:
$ pnpm add git+
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import
import { IApproveToken, ITransaction, SoulWalletLib, UserOperation } from 'soul-wallet-lib';
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { IUserOpReceipt, SoulWalletLib, UserOperation } from 'soul-wallet-lib';
async function main() {
const soulWalletLib = new SoulWalletLib();
const walletAddress = await soulWalletLib.calculateWalletAddress(
'0x0', // <address> SoulWalletLogic Contract Address
'0x0', // <address> EntryPoint Contract Address
'0x0', // <address> Wallet Owner Address
86400, // <uint32> upgradeDelay (seconds)
86400, // <uint32> guardianDelay (seconds)
'0x0' // <address> guardianAddress
const activateOp = soulWalletLib.activateWalletOp(
'0x0', // <address> SoulWalletLogic Contract Address
'0x0', // <address> EntryPoint Contract Address
'0x0', // <address> Wallet Owner Address
86400, // <uint32> upgradeDelay (seconds)
86400, // <uint32> guardianDelay (seconds)
'0x0', // <address> guardianAddress
'0x', // <bytes> paymasterAndData
10000000000,// 100Gwei
1000000000,// 10Gwei
const userOpHash = activateOp.getUserOpHash(
'0x0', // <address> EntryPoint Contract Address
1, // <uint32> chainId
'0x0', // <address> Wallet Owner Address
'0x' // <bytes> signature of userOpHash
const bundler = new soulWalletLib.Bundler(
'0x0', // <address> EntryPoint Contract Address
new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('<RPC Provider>'),
const validation = await bundler.simulateValidation(activateOp);
if (validation.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(`error code:${validation.status}`);
const bundlerEvent = bundler.sendUserOperation(activateOp);
bundlerEvent.on('error', (err: any) => {
bundlerEvent.on('send', (userOpHash: string) => {
console.log('send: ' + userOpHash);
bundlerEvent.on('receipt', (receipt: IUserOpReceipt) => {
console.log('receipt: ' + JSON.stringify(receipt));
bundlerEvent.on('timeout', () => {