The command-line tool to assist with on-chain attestation of MakerDAO spells. It aids with creating or revoking EAS attestations of 3 kinds: identity
(userAddress, userPseudonym, userTeam), spell
(payloadId, crafterPseudonym, reviewerAPseudonym, reviewerBPseudonym), deployment
(payloadId, payloadAddress, payloadHash). It also helps to identify current status of the spell using status
Note: the CLI is just another interface for creating, revoking and fetching attestations, but a regular UI such as EASscan can be used to do the same set of actions (by using relevant attestation schemas).
- Installed node.js
- [Optional] RPC url of the supported chain (will be read from the
environment variable) - [Required for submitting transactions] Private key of your EOA wallet (will be read from the
environment variable)
The CLI can be directly executed without installation via npx spell-attester
or installed on your machine via npm i spell-attester@latest -g
and then executed via spell-attester
. It is advised to install specific version of the package and then review its code before using it.
$ npx spell-attester --help
create-identity Create attestation to identify ethereum address
create-spell Create attestation to setup a spell and define its members
create-deployment Create attestation to verify deployed spell
revoke [attestation-uid] Revoke existing attestation
status [payload-id] Get status of existing spell
configure [variable-name] Configure env variables
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
# Create Identity attestation (at least 3 identities are required)
$ npx spell-attester create-identity --user-address 0x... --user-pseudonym alice --team-name team_a
# Create Spell attestation
$ npx spell-attester create-spell --payload-id 2024-06-27 --crafter alice --reviewer-a bob --reviewer-b charlie
# Create Deployment attestation
$ npx spell-attester create-deployment --payload-id 2024-06-27 --payload-address 0x... --payload-hash 0x...
# Get status of the spell
$ npx spell-attester status 2024-06-27