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1.5.2 • Public • Published


a feature-complete typescript client for the Splid (https://splid.app) API. Splid is a free mobile app for keeping track of expenses among friend groups. this package is not officially associated with Splid.

last updated Nov 7 2024


install the package:

npm install splid-js


// basic usage
import { SplidClient } from 'splid-js';

async function main() {
  const splid = new SplidClient();

  const inviteCode = 'PWJ E2B P7A';

  const groupRes = await splid.group.getByInviteCode(inviteCode);

  const groupId = groupRes.result.objectId;

  const groupInfo = await splid.groupInfo.getOneByGroup(groupId);
  const members = await splid.person.getAllByGroup(groupId);
  const expensesAndPayments = await splid.entry.getAllByGroup(groupId);

  const balance = SplidClient.getBalance(
  const suggestedPayments = SplidClient.getSuggestedPayments(balance);

  console.log(balance, suggestedPayments);
// parsing the returned data
import { SplidClient } from 'splid-js';

const formatCurrency = (amount: number, currency: string) => {
  return amount.toLocaleString(undefined, {
    style: 'currency',
    minimumFractionDigits: 2,
    maximumFractionDigits: 2,

const getEntryDescription = (
  entry: SplidJs.Entry,
  members: SplidJs.Person[]
) => {
  const primaryPayer = members.find((i) => i.GlobalId === entry.primaryPayer)!;

  for (const item of entry.items) {
    const totalAmount = item.AM;
    // a map of a userId to their share (how much they profit from the expense). the shares are floats between 0 and 1 and their sum is exactly 1.
    const userIdToShareMap = item.P.P;

    const profiteers = Object.entries(userIdToShareMap).map(
      ([userId, share]) => {
        const user = members.find((i) => i.GlobalId === userId)!;

        const shareText = formatCurrency(
          totalAmount * share,
        return user.name + ' (' + shareText + ')';
    const profiteersText = profiteers.join(', ');

    const totalText = formatCurrency(totalAmount, entry.currencyCode);

    if (entry.isPayment) {
      const description =
        primaryPayer.name + ' sent ' + totalText + ' to ' + profiteersText;

      return description;
    } else {
      const description =
        primaryPayer.name + ' payed ' + totalText + ' for ' + profiteersText;

      return description;

async function main() {
  const splid = new SplidClient();

  const inviteCode = 'PWJ E2B P7A';

  const groupRes = await splid.group.getByInviteCode(inviteCode);

  const groupId = groupRes.result.objectId;

  const members = await splid.person.getAllByGroup(groupId);
  const expensesAndPayments = await splid.entry.getAllByGroup(groupId);

  for (const entry of expensesAndPayments) {
    console.log(getEntryDescription(entry, members));
// updating group properties
const groupInfo = await splid.groupInfo.getOneByGroup(groupId);

groupInfo.name = 'Modified Group 🔥';

groupInfo.customCategories.push('Pharmaceuticals 💊');

// setting the currency exchange rates to the most recent values
groupInfo.currencyRates = await splid.getCurrencyRates();

groupInfo.defaultCurrencyCode = 'EUR';

await splid.groupInfo.set(groupInfo);
// updating group wallpaper (NodeJs)
import fs from 'fs';

const file = await fs.promises.readFile('image.png');

const uploadRes = await splid.file.upload(file);

groupInfo.wallpaperID = uploadRes.dataID;
// updating person properties
const members = await splid.person.getAllByGroup(groupId);

const linus = members.find((i) => i.name === 'Linus');

linus.name = 'Alex';
linus.initials = 'A';

await splid.person.set(linus);
// updating entry properties
const entries = await splid.entry.getAllByGroup(groupId);

const pizzaEntries = entries.filter((i) =>

for (const entry of pizzaEntries) {
  // setting the category of an entry
  entry.category = {
    type: 'custom',
    originalName: 'Italian Food 🍕',
  // setting the date of an entry
  if (!entry.date) {
    entry.date = {
      __type: 'Date',
      iso: new Date().toISOString(),
  } else {
    entry.date.iso = new Date().toISOString();
await splid.entry.set(pizzaEntries);
// converting all foreign currency entries to the default currency of the group

const foreignCurrencyEntries = expensesAndPayments.filter(
  (i) => !i.isPayment && i.currencyCode !== groupInfo.defaultCurrencyCode

for (const entry of foreignCurrencyEntries) {
  const factor =
    groupInfo.currencyRates[entry.currencyCode] /

  entry.currencyCode = groupInfo.defaultCurrencyCode;

  for (const item of entry.items) {
    item.AM = item.AM * factor;
  for (const [payerId, amount] of Object.entries(entry.secondaryPayers ?? {})) {
    entry.secondaryPayers[payerId] = amount * factor;
await splid.entry.set(foreignCurrencyEntries);
// deleting entries
const entries = await splid.entry.getAllByGroup(groupId);

const entry = entries[0];

entry.isDeleted = true;

await splid.entry.set(entry);
// creating a group
await splid.group.create('🎉 Ramber Zamber', ['Linus', 'Laurin', 'Oskar']);
// creating a basic expense
await splid.entry.expense.create(
    payers: [linus.GlobalId],
    title: 'döner',
    amount: 10,
    // equivalent to equivalent to { [laurin.GlobalId]: 0.5, [oskar.GlobalId]: 0.5 }
    profiteers: [laurin.GlobalId, oskar.GlobalId],
// creating an expense with multiple items
await splid.entry.expense.create(
    payers: [linus.GlobalId],
    title: 'shopping spree 😌',
      title: 'gucci belt',
      amount: 10,
      profiteers: [laurin.GlobalId],
      title: 'drippy hat',
      amount: 15,
      profiteers: [oskar.GlobalId],
// creating an expense with multiple payers (both pay half)
await splid.entry.expense.create(
    // equivalent to { [linus.GlobalId]: 5, [oskar.GlobalId]: 5 }
    payers: [linus.GlobalId, oskar.GlobalId],
    title: 'döner',
    amount: 10,
    profiteers: [linus.GlobalId, oskar.GlobalId],
// creating an expense with unevenly split payers (oskar pays 3€)
await splid.entry.expense.create(
    // equivalent to { [linus.GlobalId]: 7, [oskar.GlobalId]: 3 }
    payers: [linus.GlobalId, { id: oskar.GlobalId, amount: 3 }],
    title: 'shopping',
    amount: 10,
    profiteers: [laurin.GlobalId],
// creating an expense with unevenly split profiteers (oskar owes 2.25€)
await splid.entry.expense.create(
    payers: [linus.GlobalId],
    title: 'shopping',
    amount: 10,
    // equivalent to { [linus.GlobalId]: 3 / 4, [oskar.GlobalId]: 1 / 4 }
    profiteers: [linus.GlobalId, { id: oskar.GlobalId, share: 1 / 4 }],

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