Sass Bundler
This bundler has four main functionalities:
- Compile SASS code (including Tailwind) and write it to the ./public/dist/ folder
- Watch for changes in the ./resources/assets/sass/ folder
- Minifies code when using the --minify flag
- Copies font-awesome fonts to the ./public/dist/ folder when using the assetImporter command
How to use
Install using NPM: npm install ss-sass-bundler
Install using Yarn: yarn add ss-sass-bundler
Import assets (font-awesome only)
node ./node_modules/ss-sass-bundler/src/cli.js assetImporter --destination ./public/dist/ --font-awesome ./node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/
node ./node_modules/ss-sass-bundler/src/cli.js build --target ./resources/assets/sass/app.scss --destination ./public/dist/app.css --configuration ./tailwind.js
node ./node_modules/ss-sass-bundler/src/cli.js watch --target ./resources/assets/sass/app.scss --destination ./public/dist/app-watcher.css --configuration ./tailwind.js
node ./node_modules/ss-sass-bundler/src/cli.js build --target ./resources/assets/sass/app.scss --destination ./public/dist/app.css --configuration ./tailwind.js --minify