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1.0.5 • Public • Published


Module that manages a local registry of connectable peers. For use with the SSB CONN family of modules.

Visual metaphor: a shelf of binders used for archival, holding static data on peers and their previous addresses used for connections.



This module is only used to create an SSB CONN plugin, not used directly by applications. A ConnDB instance should be available on the CONN plugin, with the following API:


  • new ConnDB(opts): constructor for a connDB instance, with the following options:
    • opts.path (default '~/.ssb'): path to the directory where the database will be stored
    • opts.writeTimeout (default 2000 milliseconds): interval to wait when batching database writes in the filesystem
  • connDB.set(address, data): insert or update a connectable peer by its address (string, must conform to the multiserver address convention) with data (object). If updating the data, it will merge the previous properties with the new properties. Returns the connDB instance.
  • connDB.update(address, data): update a connectable peer by its address (string, must conform to the multiserver address convention) with data (object). If the peer is not in the database, this method performs no operations and silently returns. Returns the connDB instance.
  • connDB.update(address, updater): update a connectable peer by its address (string, must conform to the multiserver address convention) with updater (a function where input is the previous data object and output should be the new data object). If the peer is not in the database, this method performs no operations and silently returns. Returns the connDB instance.
  • connDB.replace(address, data): insert or update a connectable peer by its address (string, must conform to the multiserver address convention) with data (object). If updating the data, it will replace the previous properties with the new properties. Returns the connDB instance.
  • connDB.get(address): returns the data for an existing peer with the given address, or undefined if the address was not registered
  • connDB.getAddressForId(id): returns the connection address for an existing peer with the given SSB feed id, or undefined if the address does not exist
  • connDB.has(address): returns true if the given address is registered in the database, false otherwise
  • connDB.delete(address): remove an address and its associated data from the database. Returns true if the address existed and was deleted, false otherwise.
  • connDB.entries(): returns a new Iterator object that gives [address, data] pairs
  • connDB.listen(): returns a pull stream that notifies of changes made to the database, as an object {type, address} where type is either 'insert', 'update', or 'delete'
  • connDB.loaded(): returns a Promise that resolves successfully when the initial database loading (read) occurs, and rejects if there was a failure to load.
  • connDB.close(): finishes writing any pending updates to the database, then gets ready for destroying this instance.

Notice that the API above mostly mirrors the API of the JavaScript Map.






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  • arj03