Stuff having to do with "contact" messages in Secure Scuttlebutt.
var Contacts = require('ssb-contact')
var contacts = new Contacts(sbot)
Get a stream of ids of feeds that the given id follows
Get a stream of ids of feeds that follow the given id
Get a stream of ids of feeds that have a bidirectional follow with the given id. Optionally, get the remaining relevant ids in a callback.
function (err, extra)
called when the stream is ended - extra.followers: array of follower ids that are not friends
- extra.follows: array of followed ids that are not friends
Get streams of ids that follow the given id, or are followed by it, or both
friends: source,
follows: source,
followers: source,
- friends: stream of ids of feeds that the given id follows and they follow back
- follows: stream of ids of feeds that the given id follows but who do not follow it back
- followers: stream of ids of feeds that follow the given id while it does not follow them back
Copyright (c) 2017 Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium
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