
3.1.0 • Public • Published


SSB-DB2 is a new database for secure-scuttlebutt, it is meant as a replacement for ssb-db. The main reason for creating a new database is to be able to rework some of the existing decisions without having to be 100% backwards compatible. The main reasons are:

  • Performance, the database stores data in bipf
  • Replace flume with jitdb and specialized indexes
  • Run in the browser via ssb-browser-core
  • Work well with partial replication

SSB-DB2 is a secret-stack plugin that registers itself in the db namespace.

By default SSB-DB2 only loads a base index (indexes/base), this index includes the basic functionality for getting messages from the log and for doing EBT.

By default the database is stored in ~/.ssb/db2/log.bipf and indexes are stored in ~/.ssb/db2/indexes/.

🎥 Watch a presentation about this new database.

Read the developer guide


To get the post messages of a specific author, you can do:

const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')
const caps = require('ssb-caps')
const {where, and, type, author, toCallback} = require('ssb-db2/operators')

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .call(null, { path: './' })

  toCallback((err, msgs) => {
    console.log('There are ' + msgs.length + ' messages of type "post" from arj')

To get post messages that mention Alice, you can do:

const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')
const caps = require('ssb-caps')
const {where, and, type, mentions, toCallback} = require('ssb-db2/operators')

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .call(null, { path: './' })

  where(and(type('post'), mentions(,
  toCallback((err, msgs) => {
    console.log('There are ' + msgs.length + ' messages')

Leveldb plugins

The queries you've seen above use JITDB, but there are some queries that cannot rely on JITDB alone, and we need to depend on Leveldb. This section shows some example leveldb indexes, explains when you need leveldb, and how to make your own leveldb plugin in ssb-db2.


An extra index plugin that is commonly needed in SSB communities is the full-mentions index. It has one method: getMessagesByMention.

Although this accomplishes the same as the previous mentions() example, this plugin is meant as an example for application developers to write their own plugins if the functionality of JITDB is not enough. JITDB is good for indexing specific values, like mentions( which gets its own dedidated JITDB index for But when querying mentions of several feeds or several messages, this creates many indexes, so a specialized index makes more sense.

What full-mentions does is index all possible mentionable items at once, using Leveldb instead of JITDB. You can include it and use it like this:

const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')
const caps = require('ssb-caps')
const {where, and, type, toCallback} = require('ssb-db2/operators')

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .use(require('ssb-db2/full-mentions')) // include index
  .call(null, { path: './' })

const {fullMentions} = sbot.db.operators

  where(and(type('post'), fullMentions(,
  toCallback((err, msgs) => {
    console.log('There are ' + msgs.length + ' messages')


Another extra index plugin that is commonly needed in SSB communities is the about-self index. This indexes only self-assigned about messages in contrast to ssb-social-index that indexes all about messages.

Example usage:

const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')
const caps = require('ssb-caps')

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .use(require('ssb-db2/about-self')) // include index
  .call(null, { path: './' })

sbot.db.onDrain('aboutSelf', () => {
  const profile = sbot.db.getIndex('aboutSelf').getProfile(
  console.log('Alice has name:' +

Your own leveldb index plugin

It's wise to use JITDB when:

  1. You want the query output to be the msg itself, not state derived from msgs
  2. You want the query output ordered by timestamp (either descending or ascending)

There are some cases where the assumptions above are not met. For instance, with abouts, we often want to aggregate all type: "about" msgs and return all recent values for each field (name, image, description, etc). So assumption number 1 does not apply.

In that case, you can make a leveldb index for ssb-db2, by creating a class that extends the class at require('ssb-db2/indexes/plugin'), like this:

const Plugin = require('ssb-db2/indexes/plugin')

// This is a secret-stack plugin
exports.init = function (sbot, config) {
  class MyIndex extends Plugin {
    constructor(log, dir) {
      //    log, dir, name, version, keyEncoding, valueEncoding
      super(log, dir, 'myindex', 1, 'utf8', 'json')

    processRecord(record, seq) {
      const buf = record.value // this is a BIPF buffer, directly from the log
      // ...
      // Use BIPF seeking functions to decode some fields
      // ...
        type: 'put',
        key: key, // some utf8 string here (see keyEncoding in the constructor)
        value: value, // some object here (see valueEncoding in the constructor)

    myOwnMethodToGetStuff(key, cb) {
      this.level.get(key, cb)


There are three parts you'll always need:

  • constructor: here you set configurations for the Leveldb index
    • log and dir you probably don't need to fiddle with, but you can use this.log methods if you know how to use async-append-only-log
    • name is a string that you'll use in getIndex(name), it's also used as a directory name
    • version, upon changing, will cause a full rebuild of this index
    • keyEncoding and valueEncoding must be strings from level-codec
  • processRecord: here you handle a msg (in bipf) and potentially write something to the index using this.batch.push(leveldbOperation)
  • custom method: this is an API of your own choosing, that allows you to read data from the index

To call your custom methods, you'll have to pick them like this:


Or you can wrap that in a secret-stack plugin (in the example above, exports.init should return an object with the API functions).

There are other special methods you can implement in order to add "hooks" in the Plugin subclass:

  • onLoaded(cb): called once, at startup, when the index is successfully loaded from disk and is ready to receive queries
  • onFlush(cb): called when the leveldb index is about to be saved to disk
  • indexesContent(): method used when reindexing private group messages to determine if the leveldb index needs to be updated for decrypted messages. The default method returns true.

Compatibility plugins

SSB DB2 includes a couple of plugins for backwards compatibility, including legacy replication, ebt and publish. They can be loaded as:

const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .use(require('ssb-db2/compat')) // include all compatibility plugins
  .call(null, {})

or specifically:

const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .use(require('ssb-db2/compat/db')) // basic db compatibility
  .use(require('ssb-db2/compat/log-stream')) // legacy replication
  .use(require('ssb-db2/compat/history-stream')) // legacy replication
  .use(require('ssb-db2/compat/ebt')) // ebt db helpers
  .call(null, {})

Secret-stack modules using ssb-db2

The following is a list of modules that works well with ssb-db2:

Migrating from ssb-db

The log used underneath ssb-db2 is different than that one in ssb-db, this means we need to scan over the old log and copy all messages onto the new log, if you wish to use ssb-db2 to make queries.

⚠️ Warning: please read the following instructions about using two logs and carefully apply them to avoid forking feeds into an irrecoverable state.

Preventing forking feeds

The log is the source of truth in SSB, and now with ssb-db2, we introduce a new log alongside the previous one. One of them, not both has to be considered the source of truth.

While the old log exists, it will be continously migrated to the new log, and ssb-db2 forbids you to use its database-writing APIs such as add(), publish(), del() and so forth, to prevent the two logs from diverging into inconsistent states. The old log will remain the source of truth and the new log will just mirror it.

If you want to switch the source of truth to be the new log, we must delete the old log, after it has been fully migrated. Only then can you use database-writing APIs such as publish(). To delete the old log, one method is to use the config dangerouslyKillFlumeWhenMigrated. Set it to true only when you are absolutely sure that no other app will attempt to read/write to ~/.ssb/flume/log.offset or wherever the old log lives. It will delete the entire flume folder once migration has completed writing the messages to the new log. From that point onwards, using APIs such as publish() will succeed to append messages to the new log.

Triggering migration

ssb-db2 comes with migration methods built-in, you can enable them (they are off by default!) in your config file (or object):

const path = require('path')
const SecretStack = require('secret-stack')
const ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys')
const keys = ssbKeys.loadOrCreateSync(path.join(__dirname, 'secret'))

const config = {
  keys: keys,
  db2: {
    automigrate: true

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .call(null, config)

The above script will initiate migration as soon as the plugins are loaded. If you wish the manually dictate when the migration starts, don't use the automigrate config above, instead, call the migrate.start() method yourself:


Note, it is acceptable to load both ssb-db and ssb-db2 plugins, the system will still function correctly and migrate correctly:

const sbot = SecretStack({ caps })
  .call(null, config)

Migrating without including ssb-db2

Because ssb-db2 also begins indexing basic metadata once it's included as a plugin, this may cost more (precious) CPU time. If you are not yet using db2 APIs but would like to migrate the log anyway, in preparation for later activating db2, then you can include only the migration plugin, like this:

const sbot = SecretStack({appKey: caps.shs})
  .call(null, config)

Note that the start behavior is the same: you can either start it automatically using config.db2.automigrate or manually like this:



get(msgId, cb)

Get a particular message value by message id.

getMsg(msgId, cb)

Get a particular message including key by message id.

del(msgId, cb)

Delete a specific message given the message id from the database. Please note that this will break replication for anything trying to get that message, like createHistoryStream for the author or EBT. Because of this, it is not recommended to delete message with this method unless you know exactly what you are doing.

deleteFeed(feedId, cb)

Delete all messages of a specific feedId. Compared to del this method is safe to use.

publish(msgContent, cb)

Convenience method for validating and adding a classic SSB message to the database written by the feed running the secret-stack. If message msgContent contains recps, the message will automatically be encrypted.

publishAs(feedKeys, msgContent, cb)

Convenience method for validating and adding a classic SSB message to the database written by a different feed than running the secret-stack. If message msgContent contains recps, the message will automatically be encrypted.

add(msgValue, cb)

Validate and add a message value (without id and timestamp) to the database. In the callback will be the stored message (id, timestamp, value = msgValue) or err. Supports msgValue in SSB classic feeds as well as Bendy Butt messages

addOOO(msgValue, cb)

Validate without checking the previous link and add to db. Useful for partial replication.

addOOOBatch(msgValues, cb)

Similar to addOOO, but you can pass an array of many message values. If the author is not yet known, the message is validated without checking if the previous link is correct, otherwise normal validation. This makes it possible to use for partial replication to add all contact messages from a feed.

addTransaction(msgValues, oooMsgValues, cb)

Similar to addOOOBatch, except you pass in an array of msgValues that will be validated in order and an array of oooMsgValues that will be validated similar to addOOOBatch. Finally all the messages are added to the database in such a way that either all of them are written to disc or none of them are.


Subscribe to any data added to the database. The cb will only receive one argument, the message added. post is an [observable] so the latest message added to the database can also be read using


Gets the current db status, same functionality as db.status in ssb-db.


This function is useful in ssb-db2-box2 where box2 keys can be added at runtime and that changes what messages can be decrypted. Calling this function is needed after adding a new key. The function can be called multiple times safely.

onDrain(indexName?, cb)

Waits for the index with name indexName to be in sync with the main log and then call cb with no arguments. If indexName is not provided, the base index will be used.

The reason we do it this way is that indexes are updated asynchronously in order to not block message writing.


You can use ssb-config parameters to configure some aspects of ssb-db2:

const config = {
  keys: keys,
  db2: {
     * Start the migration plugin automatically as soon as possible.
     * Default: false
    automigrate: true,

     * If the migration plugin is used, then when migration has completed, we
     * will remove the entire `~/.ssb/flume` directory, including the log.
     * As the name indicates, this is dangerous, because if there are other apps
     * that still use `~/.ssb/flume`, they will see an empty log and progress to
     * write on that empty log using the `~/.ssb/secret` and this will very
     * likely fork the feed in comparison to new posts on the new log. Only use
     * this when you know the risks and you know that only the new log will be
     * written.
     * Default: false
    dangerouslyKillFlumeWhenMigrated: false,

     * A debouncing interval (measured in milliseconds) to control how often
     * should messages given to `sbot.add` be flushed in batches.
     * Default: 250
    addBatchDebounce: 250,

     * An upper limit on the CPU load that ssb-db2 can use while indexing
     * and scanning. `85` means "ssb-db2 will only index when CPU load is at
     * 85% or lower".
     * Default: Infinity
    maxCpu: 85,

    /** This applies only if `maxCpu` is defined.
     * See `maxPause` in the module `too-hot`, for its definition.
     * Default: 300
    maxCpuMaxPause: 180,

    /** This applies only if `maxCpu` is defined.
     * See `wait` in the module `too-hot`, for its definition.
     * Default: 90
    maxCpuWait: 90,


The following operators are included by default, see operators/index.js for how they are implemented. Also exposed are all JITDB operators

  • type
  • author
  • channel
  • key
  • votesFor
  • contact
  • mentions
  • about
  • hasRoot
  • hasFork
  • hasBranch
  • authorIsBendyButtV1
  • isRoot
  • isPrivate
  • isPublic




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