All ssf-icons sharable between projects as css/scss class names.
How to add more icons to the font
- Drop an SVG into the "SVG" folder.
- run the command:
npm run build
How to remove icons
- Delete it from "SVG" folder.
- run the command:
npm run build
How to add this project as a git dependency and consume it
It's best if you add a new deploy token for a new dependant.
- Add this line into your package.json, whre user:pass is from the deploy token set up in ssf-icons
"ssf-icons": "git+"
npm install to get and test the git connection.
Pretty much copy paste the below scss code into some global scss. Only variable stuff should be the relative navigation to node_modules depending on where your scss file is added.
@import '../../node_modules/ssf-icons/style.scss';
$icomoon-font-project: './../../node_modules/ssf-icons' !default;
@font-face {
font-family: '#{$icomoon-font-family}';
src: url('#{$icomoon-font-project}/#{$icomoon-font-path}/#{$icomoon-font-family}.ttf?fotuxh')
format('truetype'), url('#{$icomoon-font-project}/#{$icomoon-font-path}/#{$icomoon-font-family}.woff?fotuxh')
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;