
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Plugins for reloading you browser on changes when developing a server side rendered app and using Webpack as a bundler.


Consider the following:

  • This is still an experimental package.
  • It's tested on localhost.
  • Currently supports only http protocol.
  • Is used in a single page application project.
  • Does not reload on changes in your index.html file.

How to install

  • In your project's folder terminal execute:
npm install --save-dev ssr-browser-reload-webpack-plugin

How to use

  • Require the plugins:
const {SSRReloadClientPlugin, SSRReloadServerPlugin} = require('ssr-browser-reload-webpack-plugin');
  • Add an instance of the SSRReloadClientPlugin to your webpack config for the client bundle and provide all parameters to the constructor.
  • Add an instance of the SSRReloadServer Plugin to your webpack config for the server bundle and provide all parameters to the constructor.
  • Build your code, start your ssr-server and open your app in the browser, then the browser will reload after changes in your JavaScript or style files.

How it works

Under the hood in webpack development mode the SSRReloadClientPlugin starts a server that will send Server Sent Events to your app which should reload after a defined timeout. For this purpose the plugin also adds some code to the index.html of your project. This logic is used to make connection to the server, listen to the messages sent by the server and reload when needed. The SSRReloadServerPlugin is needed in order to notify the reload server when the server build is ready, so that the reload to be made after the new server code is ready. To ensure that the server is up and running on reload, a certain timeout should be set.

Exported plugins

The package exports two webpack plugins: SSRReloadClientPlugin and SSRReloadServerPlugin. The first one must be used in the webpack config for the client bundle and the second one - in the server bundle config.


In development mode add to plugins array a new instance of the plugin, by providing the following parameters to the constructor:

  • appDomain - the domain that serves your ssr app, for example http://localhost:3000
  • host - the host where the build is being made, for example
  • port - the port on the host for the reload server
  • protocol - currently supports only http
  • template - the relative path to your index.html file
  • timeout - the timeout after which the browser should reload (in milliseconds)


In development mode add to plugins array a new instance of the plugin, by providing the following parameters to the constructor:

  • host - the host where the build is being made, for example
  • port - the port on the host for the reload server
  • protocol - currently supports only http

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npm i ssr-browser-reload-webpack-plugin

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  • mechoshi-puhanaga