Control your Staples Connect Hub from NodeJS using the same web API used by the Connect web interface.
npm install staplesconnecthub
To find your hubs MAC address, in the Staples Connect website, click Account and then expand your hub. The MAC address should be listed.
var StaplesConnectHub = require('staplesconnecthub');
// Your hub MAC address
// The username & password you use to connect to the Staples Connect website.
var hub1 = new StaplesConnectHub("xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "username", "password");
hub1.on("connect", function() {
console.log("hub connected");
console.log("Activities: " + Object.keys(hub1.activities).length);
console.log("Rooms: " + Object.keys(hub1.rooms).length);
console.log("Devices: " + Object.keys(hub1.devices).length);
hub1.on("disconnect", function(reason) {
console.log("hub disconnected - " + reason);
hub1.on("DataUpdate", function(id, value) {
console.log(hub1.devices[id].name + " (" + id + ")" + " changed state to " + JSON.stringify(value));
The first parameter is the device ID which can be found by looking at the hub1.devices array or by watching the DataUpdate event while controlling a devices from the website. I'm using device 53 as an example.
For simple devices like the GE Appliance plug-in module the second parameter is a value 0 to 100.
hub1.deviceSetValue(53, 100);
For most devices such as Lutron, ZWave & Hue dimmable bulbs, the second parameter is a complex json object. The shape varies between devices, but a common one for most dimmable bulbs looks like the following.
hub1.deviceSetState(53, {state: {powerLevel: 100, powerState: 'on'}});
hub1.deviceSetState(53, {state: {powerLevel: 0, powerState: 'off'}});
.on('connect', function() {})
Successfully connected to the hub. All device & activity information is available.
.on('disconnect', function(reason) {})
Disconnected from the hub. The first parameter is a string containing the reason.
.on('log_verbose', function(message) {})
Verbose logging information from the library.
.on('log_info', function(message) {})
Informational logging information from the library
.on('DataUpdate', function(deviceID, value) {})
Event from the hub when a device value changes. Value is dependant on the type of device. It may be a simple integer or a complex StateDoc object.
.on('ThermostatUpdate', function(deviceID, ambientTemp) {})
Temperature change from a thermostat device.
.on('EventInitiated', function(activityID) {})
Notification that a hub activity has started.
.on('SystemAlert', function(message) {})
System messages from the hub.
- Initial Release