- semantic-release and semantic-release-cli for release automation
- commitizen for commit message format
- github actions as CI (replaced travis)
- jest for test and test coverage (replaced mocha, chai and instanbul)
- husky for pre-commit hook (replaced ghooks)
- codecov for coverage report
- shields for badges
- ES6 support for source code (using type="module" in package.json)
- ES6 support for tests using Jest native support, here is a stackoverflow question about it)
- TypeScript support for source code
- TypeScript support for tests using @swc/jest
- use tsc to generate types for the package
- add vite to bundle the package
- set coverage threshold with jest (optional)
- add bundler visualized analysis with vite bundler visualizer
- check @swc/core and @swc-jest size compare to ts-jest