This is a fork of that provides Elm 0.19 support. The binary has been renamed to static-html-from-elm
. It is 100% backwards compatibile with your old elm-static-html
Turn an Elm app into a static HTML site.
Your modules must look like this:
module Main exposing (..)
import Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href)
view : Html.Html msg
view =
Html.div []
[ Html.h1 [ class "hello" ] [ Html.text "new!" ]
, Html.a [ href "/login" ] [ Html.text "Login" ]
, Html.text "hello"
then you can use
static-html-from-elm --filename Main.elm --output index.html
which will produce
<div><h1 class="hello">new!</h1><a href="/login">Login</a>hello</div>
static-html-from-elm -f Main.elm
will print the output to stdout by default
You can create an initial config file through static-html-from-elm --init-config
, though it's not needed to work.
You can use the config file to generate multiple files through static-html-from-elm -c elm-static-html.json
The config file looks like this:
"files": {
"<ElmFile.elm>": {
"output": "<OutputFile.html>",
"viewFunction": "view"
"<AnotherElmFile.elm": {
"output": "<AnotherOutputFile.html>",
"viewFunction": "someViewFunc"
/* ... */
To generate multiple output files from a single elm file, supply an array of outputFile/viewFunction pairs:
"files": {
"<ElmFile.elm>": [{
"output": "<OutputFile.html>",
"viewFunction": "view"
}, {
"output": "<AnotherOutputFile.html>",
"viewFunction": "anotherView"
An .elm-static-html folder is created in order to generate the correct HTML and JS needed. You can delete it if you want, but it'll make builds a little slower.