Parse and validate CLI arguments
A basic command looks like this:
// cmd.js var Args = var number = var string = var command = commandcommandcommand var argv = processargvvar opts = commandconsoleconsole
You can invoke it like so:
$ node cmd.js argument --message "Hello, world" some more
Parsed options: {"message": "Hello, world"}
Remaining argv: argument, some, more
$ node cmd.js --port 80 --log some more arguments
Parsed options: {"port": 80, "log": true}
Remaining argv: some, more, arguments
$ node cmd.js -lp 80 some more arguments
Parsed options: {"port": 80, "log": true}
Remaining argv: some, more, arguments
$ node cmd.js --port stuff
Error: stuff is an invalid value for --port
$ node cmd.js --message
Error: undefined is an invalid value for --message
You can also generate help
output based on the configured options. Given the command above, you can add this as follows:
args var argv = process argvvar opts = args if optshelp args
Invoking this gives the following output:
$ node cmd.js --help
--port, -p Server port
--message, -m Welcome message
--log, -l Toggle logging
--help, -h Get help