
1.0.0 • Public • Published


A tool to report test results on node's stdout.

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npm install --save-dev stdout-reporter


var Reporter = require( "stdout-reporter" );
var reporter = new Reporter( [ options ] );
/* and then you set your logging methods */

Logging Methods

  • moduleStart: register a module start
    • requires a details object as the argument with the following properties:
      • name: the module's name
  • testStart: register a test start
    • requires a details object as the argument with the following properties:
      • name: the test's name
  • assertion: register an assertion execution
    • requires a details object as the argument with the following properties:
      • module: a string with the module's name
      • name: a string with the test's name
      • result a Boolean value for the result (true if passed)
      • message: a string with the assertion's message
      • source: [optional] a string with the the stacktrace information
      • actual: the assertion given value to be compared with the expected object
      • expected: the expected value
  • testDone: register a test ending
    • requires a details object as the argument with the following properties:
      • failed: a number with the failed assertions in the test
      • runtime: a number representing the runtime in ms
  • done: register a run ending
    • requires a details object as the argument with the following properties:
      • total: a number with the total assertions
      • failed: a number with the failed assertions
      • passed: a number with the passed assertions
      • runtime: a number representing the runtime in ms


This module can be instatiated with an options object as its argument.

  • output: none (default), "minimal" or "verbose"
    • with no given value, the default output will list the modules and test names, followed by dots representing each passing assertion.
    • minimal will omit the modules and tests names on the output.
    • verbose will print a more detailed output.



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  • leobalter