
0.1.1 • Public • Published


A Node.js library for the Steam Web API, with wrappers to deal with its methods, like those used on Steam Mobile App.


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Example Usage

Making a request for the Steam Web API

var steam = require('steam');

steam.util.getServerInfo(function (e, d) {
  console.log('Server time: ' + d.servertimestring);

  interface: 'ISteamNews',
  method: 'GetNewsForApp',
  version: '0002',
  secure: false,
  get: {
    appid: 24010,
    maxlength: 128,
    count: 3
}, function (e, d) {
  d.appnews.newsitems.forEach(function(news) {

Creating a Steam echo bot

var Session = require('steam/Session');

var session = new Session();
  username: 'gaben',
  password: 'c4ke'

session.on('message_saytext', function (m) {
    steamid: m.steamid_from,
    text: m.text


The plans are to expose most methods of the Web API on the Core in a nice way, like it's done with util. I don't plan to parse the return value of those methods, but I'll probrably improve error handling.

On the Session module, there are a lot of methods still to implement. It will be done as it's necessary.

I want to create new modules, for TF, Portal, Economy, but it will take longer for that...

Function Reference

Note: since the library is still WIP, the functions are most likely to change, specially the return values and callbacks


The module used for direct requests for the Steam Web API

var steam = require('steam');

request(options, callback)

Make a request for the Steam API with a method with the given parameters.

If the first argument is a string, it will be threated as the path option. If it's an object, it should have at least the interf and method set. The available options are:

  • interface: the Steam API interface
  • method: the Steam API method
  • version: version of the method to be called, format XXXX, defaults to 0001
  • path: overwrites the interface, method and version options, with format interface/method/vXXXX
  • secure: if the request should be made via https, defaults to true
  • get: GET params for the HTTP request
  • post: POST params for the HTTP request

Once the request is finished, the callback function will be called with 2 arguments, an error object (null if success) and the available data (parsed from json if success).


Shorthand for request(SteamWebAPIUtil/GetServerInfo, callback). Get the current time on the server.

util.getSupportedAPIList(options, callback)

Shorthand for request(SteamWebAPIUtil/GetServerInfo, callback). Accepts an optional object with the key to be used on the request. Lists the available methods and their parameters.


Reproduces the behavior expected from the Mobile App, handles authorization, server notifications and client messaging.

var Session = require('steam/Session');

session = new Session(options)

Creates a new Steam Session with the given options (all optional):

  • scope: array of actions to request access for on authorization, defaults to ['read_profile', 'write_profile', 'read_client', 'write_client']
  • client_id: registered Client ID, Valve hasn't made any public method to get one


Returns true if a valid session id is set

sesion.connect(options, success)

Authenticates with the server and keep connected, querying the server for incoming messages. The (access_token) or (username, passwordandauthcode` [optional]) options must be provided:

  • access_token: pre-obtained access token, can be kept between sessions
  • username: Steam Account username
  • password: Steam Account password
  • authcode: If Steam Guard is active on the Steam Account, try login once without it to receive the code via email

If connected, calls success with object:

  • access_token: same as above, to be kept for future sessions
  • steamid: 64 bits representation of the Account


Send a message for another user. Available options are:

  • type: Type of the message. Valid types are saytext (default), emote, typing
  • text: Text message to send (optional if type == 'typing')
  • steamid: 64 bits Steam ID of the target user

(to be documented)


  • error
  • auth_error


  • authenticate
  • connect
  • logon


  • poll
  • poll_status
  • poll_secure


  • message
  • message_typing
  • message_saytext
  • message_mysaytext
  • message_emote
  • message_myemote
  • message_leftconversation
  • message_personastate




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  • julioc