This library is a supplemental package for the work currently being done on GreenStack, a site dedicated to educating everyday people on everything stocks. It is very small and simply solves the problem of rendering a basic stock chart, similar to what you would see in any online brokerage. A small library for rendering stock charts
It is important to know that while this continues to be updated, it is currently not stable and definitely not ready for usage in any professional setting. As of now, the only functions are to zoom in and zoom out, and both are somewhat bugged. The package isn't tested, and shouldn't be expected to work perfectly.
Using NPM: Installation
npm install stock-graphics
Then, import renderFull so that you can render the graph:
import { renderFull } from "Stock-Graphics"
You must call this function with two parameters; points and graphicalEffects. These will be explained, but in short, simply call the function like so:
renderFull(points, graphicalEffects);
In order to set points, write in the form
points = [
{x: "Date", y: 34.64}
And to change the way the graph looks, modify anything in the graphicalEffects object. The object is of the form:
const graphicalEffects = {
graphHeight: 300, //Total height of the graph [set to "100" to set the graph height to the total height of the container div]
graphWidth: 600, //Total width of the graph [set to "100" to set the graph width to the total width of the container div]
graphLeft: 0, //Pixels to move to the left
graphRight: 0, //Pixels to move to the right
positioning: "auto", //Sets the margin-left and margin-right properties
title: "Apple", //Name of the stock you wish to render
ticker: "AAPL", //Ticker of the stock you wish to render
fontSize: 14, //Font size of the title and ticker
backgroundColor: "white", //Color of the background of the graph. Currently not working
lineWidth: 5, //Width in pixels of the graph's lines
boundaryWidth: 3, //Don't worry about this right now
gainColor: "green", //Color the graph takes on when there is overall positive growth
lossColor: "red", //Color the graph takes on when tehre is overall negative growth
fillColor: "red", //Does not do anything. Will be removed.
dateRangeActive: false, //Controls whether or not the small date-range indicator at the bottom of the graph is permanently visible.
graphFontSize: 16, //Controls the text size of the leftmost vertical values.
infoDivWidth: 100, //The width of the small container that tells you the value when you hover over a part of the graph.
buttonSize: { width: 50, height: 30 }, //Sets the width and height of the buttons
buttonFontSize: 8, //Sets the font-size of the buttons
buttonFontColor: "white", //Sets the font-color of the buttons
buttonColor: "blue", //Sets the background-color of the buttons
buttonBorder: "1px solid red", //Sets the border of the buttons
contentsDiv: "main", //IMPORTANT! This is the ID of the div in which you wish to render your graph
The best way to learn how to use this is simply to play around with it. As a quick example of a working set of point values, here is what I have currently running in my test build:
points = [
{ x: "07/01", y: 91.28 },
{ x: "07/02", y: 91.96 },
{ x: "07/03", y: 92.5 },
{ x: "07/04", y: 93.85 },
{ x: "07/05", y: 94.18 },
{ x: "07/06", y: 96.26 },
{ x: "07/07", y: 95.33 },
{ x: "07/08", y: 97.26 },
{ x: "07/09", y: 94.84 },
{ x: "07/10", y: 98.99 },
{ x: "07/11", y: 96.56 },
{ x: "07/12", y: 96.26 },
{ x: "07/13", y: 96.99 },
{ x: "07/14", y: 96.42 },
{ x: "07/15", y: 94.84 },
{ x: "07/16", y: 98.99 },
{ x: "07/17", y: 96.56 },
{ x: "07/18", y: 94.84 },
Cheers and have fun!