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Storybook Addon StoryOut

Storybook Addon StoryOut adds a tab panel that lets you visualize and copy the output of a story.

This addon con be configured to be used in every framework supported by Storybook.


npm i -D storybook-addon-storyout


Storybook 5.3 and newer

  1. Edit or create a file called main.js in the Storybook config directory (by default, it’s .storybook).
  2. Add the addon to the addons array:
module.exports = {
  // ...other configs here
  addons: ['storybook-addon-storyout/register'],

Storybook <=5.2

Edit or create a file called addons.js in the Storybook config directory (by default, it’s .storybook).

Add following content to it:

import 'storybook-addon-storyout/register';


With @storybook/html

Write your stories like this (uses CSF):

import { withSource, html } from 'storybook-addon-storyout';

const render = html(); // <-- initialize the html renderer

export default {
  title: 'Button',
  decorators: [withSource],
  parameters: {
    source: { render },

export const DefaultButton = () => '<button>Click me</button>';

Or, with the storiesOf API:

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withSource, html } from 'storybook-addon-storyout';

const render = html(); // <-- initialize the html renderer

storiesOf('Button', module)
    source: { render },
  .add('default button', () => '<button>Click me</button>');

This will show a new panel tab with the highlighted HTML output.

With another framework

With frameworks like React or Vue.js you can leverage the custom renderer and provide a custom render function returning an HTML string.

For example, with React write your stories like this:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import { withSource, custom } from 'storybook-addon-storyout';

const render = custom({
  stringify: (node) => ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(node),

export default {
  title: 'Button',
  decorators: [withSource],
  parameters: {
    source: { render },

export const WithText = () => <button>Click me</button>;

Global configuration

If your want to show the source panel on every story you can configure it globally in .storybook/preview.js (.storybook/config.js for Storybook <= 5.2):

import { addParameters, addDecorator } from '@storybook/html'; // <- or your storybook framework
import { withSource, html } from 'storybook-addon-storyout';

  source: {
    render: html(),

To disable the source panel in a specific story set its source.render parameter to false.

export const WithoutSource = () => '<button>Click me</button>';

WithSource.story = {
  parameters: { source: { render: false } },

source Parameter configuration

The source parameter accepts the following properties:

name type default description
language string 'html' The highlight language in use
render function Outputs the HTML to display (see below)
stringify function (1) Receives the story output (in @storybook/html it might be a string or a DOM element) and returning its source as string.
transform function (2) Receives the story output and returning it after an arbitrary transformation.
  1. This function is already defined in the html renderer but can be overridden if needed.

The render function

The render function has the following signature:

render(storyOutput: unknown, parameters: object): string

It receives the story output and a parameters object. Parameter object contains the transform and stringify functions and the language string.

Default configuration

Both the custom and the html renderer accept the same source parameters. Passed-in values will be used as defaults.


  1. Fork it or clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies yarn install
  3. Ensure everything is fine by running yarn release
  4. Push it or submit a pull request :D




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  • dwightjack