A strapi plugin to interface search queries into strapi content.
Installing through npm is currently not supported in strapi 3.x because this packaged is scoped under the @rtgdev npm org. So it best to install using github releases ex:
"strapi-plugin-searchqueries": "",
For local development you should follow the strapi documentation guide for local plugin development.
Install the local Package
This plugin cannot run on its own. In order to develop locally you will need to install it into a local strapi insance. To accomplish this, you simply need to install the package using the file path. Ex:
npm i /Users/username/Documents/GitHub/strapi-plugin-searchqueries
This will allow you to make changes to this repo and test them in a local strapi installation
This repo uses semantic releaes to push releases to github/npm. All releases are created on master branch. I will release will only be made if the commit messages match the default release patterns specified here: