Finds where are arbitrary templating marker heads and tails located
This package is pure ESM. If you're not ready yet, install an older version of this program, 4.1.0 (npm i string-find-heads-tails@4.1.0
npm i string-find-heads-tails
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { strFindHeadsTails } from "string-find-heads-tails";
// processing an arbitrary, custom templating markup:
"some text %%_var1-%% more text %%_var2_%%",
["%%_", "%%-"], // two flavours of heads
["-%%", "_%%"], // two flavours of tails
headsStartAt: 10,
headsEndAt: 13,
tailsStartAt: 17,
tailsEndAt: 20,
headsStartAt: 31,
headsEndAt: 34,
tailsStartAt: 38,
tailsEndAt: 41,
Please visit for a full description of the API.
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Copyright © 2010-2025 Roy Revelt and other contributors.