A custom Mocha BDD Interface that allows dynamic test skips via a global variable.
To skip a test, set the title of the it
or describe
test in an array string (It'll be parsed as an array automatically) stored in the environment variable LOOPBACK_MOCHA_SKIPS
. Skipping a describe
will skip all it
tests under it.
Skipped tests will be marked by ** SKIPPED BY LB-BDD **
in the Mocha run result.
LOOPBACK_MOCHA_SKIPS='["test name", "describe test"]'
If defining the global variable as part of a test script, be sure to convert LOOPBACK_MOCHA_SKIPS
to a string to ensure test names are preserved as string.
LOOPBACK_MOCHA_SKIPS=JSON.stringify(['test name', 'describe test'])
npm install strong-mocha-interfaces
mocha --require strong-mocha-interfaces --ui strong-bdd