
2.0.0 • Public • Published


stylib - Vast Library For Style Manipulations


stylib is a javascript client side library that exports all kind of useful methods that makes style related actions and manipulations much more simple.


In order to simply use stylib, the following dependencies are required (will be installed automatically):

  1. requiree

In order to edit and work with stylib, the following packages must be installed:

  1. browserify (global):

In order to install browserify simply run (trough the command line):

npm install -g browserify

  1. google-closure-compiler-js (global):

In order to install google-closure-compiler-js simply run (through the command line):

npm install -g google-closure-compiler-js

  1. jasmine (global):

In order to install jasmine simply run (through the command line):

npm install -g jasmine


In order to install stylib using npm, simply run:

npm install stylib --save

stylib build already exist in the repository as stylib.bundle.js (or stylib.bundle.compressed.js as the compressed version), so the lib can be used simply by importing the js file without needing to install it.


To build stylib (the uncompressed version), simply build it using browserify:

browserify js/init.js -o stylib.bundle.js (while current dir is .\stylib\).

To build stylib (the compressed version), simply build it using google-closure-compiler-js (after calling browserify first):

google-closure-compiler-js stylib.bundle.js > stylib.bundle.compressed.js

Usage (as a lib)

By including the output file stylib.bundle.js (or stylib.bundle.compressed.js as the compressed version), window['SL'] will be initialized with stylib modules.

Usage (as an npm module)

By requiering stylib into a variable, that variable will be initialized with stylib modules:

var stylib = require('stylib');

stylib modules

  1. inline. (see example here)

Use to parse/stringify inline style represented as string/object.

  1. outline. (see example here)

Use to parse/stringify outline style (css) represented as string/object.

  1. selector. (see example here)

Use to parse/stringify actual outline style (css) selectors represented as string/object.


In order to test stylib simply call npm test.

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npm i stylib

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  • weizman