- Real-time JS database, fully loaded into memory.
!Proof of work, not for commercial use!
!In case of use, please perform all record validation yourself, before insertion in tables.
const { Database } = require('suchdb');
// Create Database.
const db = new Database('real_time_db')
// Create table.
const table = db.createTable('transactions');
// Insert record:
const data = {
'amount': 90,
'currency': 'Euro',
'sender': 'John Appleseed',
'receiver': 'Steve Props'
db.insert('transactions', data);
// or
const result = db.findById('transactions', '<uuid>');
// Result (considering data in previous example)
// [
// {
// 'id': <uuid>,
// 'amount': 90,
// 'currency': 'Euro',
// 'sender': 'John Appleseed',
// 'receiver': 'Steve Props'
// }
// ]
const firstRow = db.selectFirstRow('transactions');
const lastRow = db.selectLastRow('transactions');
// (considering data in previous example)
db.deleteById('transactions', '<uuid>');
const { Query } = require('suchdb');
// Create query object (Notice, that you don't need "new" keyword).
const query = Query().where('amount', '>=', 89).first(10);
// Perform rows selection.
const rows = db.select('transactions', query);
// Result (considering data in previous example)
// [
// {
// 'id': <uuid>,
// 'amount': 90,
// 'currency': 'Euro',
// 'sender': 'John Appleseed',
// 'receiver': 'Steve Props'
// }
// ]