
0.4.6 • Public • Published

Semantic Table

DataTable made with styled components from React Semantic UI.


npm i semantic-table

Dependencies: This component depends on the following packages

Basic Example

const data = [
        id: 9888,
        name: "Hartmann, Runolfsson and Stroman Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 28451,
        name: "Jacobson Inc Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 72265,
        name: "Bahringer, Padberg and Upton Inc",
        email: ""

            width: 250,
            Header: 'Code',
            accessor: 'id',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Name',
            accessor: 'name',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Email',
            accessor: 'email',


Prop Type Description
title string The title used for exporting table data to CSV
rows array Array of objects to be displayed in the table
columns array Array of colums to be displayed, each column will access to the corresponding attribute from each row data (see structure here) it can control whether the column can be filtered, ordered and edited
rowLimit numeric The number of rows to be displayed per page
loading boolean Controls whether the table will show a "loading" message to indicate that data is being loaded into the table
actionsActive boolean Whether each row will have a set of actions (see structure here)
actionsWidth numeric Width in pixels of the first column that will display the actions buttons
onSave function Function to execute to save changes on rows
enableExternalSave boolean Controls whether table should save via external manipulation
onAdd function Function to execute if the user wants to create a new item with an external component (form or modal form)
onAddRow boolean / function If set to true, it will create a new row on click, if a function is given, it will expect an object with custom data to match the given rows structure
onSelect function Function to execute if the user clicks on the "pencil" icon button on a specific row it as access to the selected row
onDelete boolean / function If set to true, it will display a button to remove the selected row ("trash" icon button), if a function is given, it will allow a custom function to be executed after the deletion has been made, the function has access to the remaining rows, if the function returns a false boolean, then it will not trigger the inner deletion
onCancel boolean / function If set to true, it will cancel all changes made on the table, if a function is given, it will allow a custom function to be executed after the cancelation has been made
onEditCell function Function to execute after a cell has been edited, it will execute on blur, if the function returns a false boolean, then it will not trigger the inner edition
onInnerUpdate function Function to execute after any table rows change
enableExportToCSV boolean If set to true, it will display a button that will export all displayed data in the table (ignoring pagination, it will only export data that hasn't been filtered) in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, it uses the "title" prop and a timestamp to name the exported file
height numeric The table height, max varies depending on screen size
additionalActionButtons array Additional buttons to be displayed on each row, each button will have a custom action and icon to give it the desired look and functionality (see structure here)
additionalHeaderButtons array Additional buttons to be displayed on the header section, each button will have a custom action and icon to give it the desired look and functionality (see structure here)
saveButtonText string Custom text for save button
cancelButtonText string Custom text for cancel button
newRowButtonText string Custom text for newRow button
addButtonText string Custom text for add button
removeFiltersButtonText string Custom text for removeFilters button
hideRemoveFiltersButton boolean Control whether the removeFiltersButton will appear or not
editRowButtonText string Custom text for editRow ave button
deleteRowButtonText string Custom text for deleteRow button
exportToCSVButtonText string Custom text for exportToCSV button
actionsHeaderText string Custom text for actions header
numberOfRecordsText string Custom text for total records label
showRecords boolean Control whether the table will show total of records
numberOfRecordsPerPageText string Custom text for total records per page label
showRecordsPerPage boolean Controls whether the table will show total of records per page
paginated boolean Controls whether the table is paginated or not, defaults to true


const data = [
        id: 9888,
        name: "Hartmann, Runolfsson and Stroman Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 28451,
        name: "Jacobson Inc Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 72265,
        name: "Bahringer, Padberg and Upton Inc",
        email: ""

const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false)

useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1500)
}, [])

            width: 250,
            Header: 'Code',
            accessor: 'id',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Name',
            accessor: 'name',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Email',
            accessor: 'email',

Header Actions

Prop Type Description
onSave function Function to execute to save changes on rows
onAdd function Function to execute if the user wants to create a new item with an external component (form or modal form)
onAddRow boolean / function If set to true, it will create a new row on click, if a function is given, it will expect an object with custom data to match the given rows structure
onCancel boolean / function If set to true, it will cancel all changes made on the table, if a function is given, it will allow a custom function to be executed after the cancelation has been made
onEditCell function Function to execute after a cell has been edited, it will execute on blur
enableExportToCSV boolean If set to true, it will display a button that will export all displayed data in the table (ignoring pagination, it will only export data that hasn't been filtered) in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, it uses the "title" prop and a timestamp to name the exported file


const data = [
        id: 9888,
        name: "Hartmann, Runolfsson and Stroman Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 28451,
        name: "Jacobson Inc Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 72265,
        name: "Bahringer, Padberg and Upton Inc",
        email: ""

    onSave={({ deleteItems, updateItems, createItems, rows }) => {
    onAdd={() => {
        console.log('This can be used to display an external form or modal form! Control the rendered rows externally')
    onAddRow={(id) => {
        return {
            id: id,
            name: "Daugherty Inc LLC"
            email: ""
    onEditCell={(editedRow) => {
        console.log('This is the new data: ')
            width: 250,
            Header: 'Code',
            accessor: 'id',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Name',
            accessor: 'name',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Email',
            accessor: 'email',

Row Actions

Prop Type Description
actionsActive boolean Whether each row will have a set of actions (see structure here)
actionsWidth numeric Width in pixels of the first column that will display the actions buttons
onSelect function Function to execute if the user clicks on the "pencil" icon button on a specific row it as access to the selected row
onDelete boolean / function If set to true, it will display a button to remove the selected row ("trash" icon button), if a function is given, it will allow a custom function to be executed after the deletion has been made, the function has access to the remaining rows
additionalActionButtons array Additional buttons to be displayed on each row, each button will have a custom action and icon to give it the desired look and functionality, icons here


const data = [
        id: 9888,
        name: "Hartmann, Runolfsson and Stroman Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 28451,
        name: "Jacobson Inc Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 72265,
        name: "Bahringer, Padberg and Upton Inc",
        email: ""

const additionalActionButtons = [
        name: 'View',
        icon: 'eye',
        action: (row) => {
        name: 'Email',
        icon: 'mail',
        action: (row) => {
            console.log('Mail sent to ' +

    onSelect={(selectedRow) => {
    onDelete={(remainingRows) => {
            width: 250,
            Header: 'Code',
            accessor: 'id',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Name',
            accessor: 'name',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Email',
            accessor: 'email',


Each column will have the following structure:

Prop Type Description
width numeric The column's width, data exceeding this width will trigger an horizontal scrollbar
Header string The column's title to be displayed on the table header
accessor string The name of the row attribute that holds the value to be displayed
type string Format and input type that the column will have, can be one of: text, currency, boolean, select, textarea, number, color, date
options array If the type is select, then an options array has to be provided (see the structure below)
editable boolean Whether the column can be edited or not
filterable boolean Whether the column can be filtered or not
permanentRender boolean Whether the column cell input will always be visible and not render the default label

Column Options

Prop Type Description
key string The unique key identifier
text string The option text to display
value any The actual value of each option
color string / function The column color, if a string is given, it will have that static color for every cell in the column, if a function is given, it will have access to the current row and condittionaly format an specific cell

Additional Header Actions

Each additional header button will have the following structure:

Prop Type Description
label string The text content of the button
icon string The button icon to be displayed
action function Action to be executed on click of button
disabled boolean Whether the button is disabled or not


const data = [
        id: 9888,
        name: "Hartmann, Runolfsson and Stroman Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 28451,
        name: "Jacobson Inc Inc",
        email: ""
        id: 72265,
        name: "Bahringer, Padberg and Upton Inc",
        email: ""

    onSelect={(selectedRow) => {
    onDelete={(remainingRows) => {
                    label: 'Prueba',
                    icon: 'search',
                    action: (rows) => {
            width: 250,
            Header: 'Code',
            accessor: 'id',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Name',
            accessor: 'name',
            width: 225,
            Header: 'Email',
            accessor: 'email',

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npm i sui-react-table

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  • geologistic