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0.0.1005 • Public • Published



The biggest advantage of using suman-watch is when you need to transpile/compile tests. Building and then running tests in an ongoing manner can be very useful for longer build steps.

If no transpile/compile "transform" step is needed, then watching won't be particularly useful.

However, you can still use suman-watch to run tests as the test source files change, or to run unit tests as the project source changes.

In more detail

Suman watch can run test files on changes, transpile/compile code on changes, or both. By default, suman-watch will both transpile and run files. To prevent transpilation, use the --nt flag (no-transpile). To prevent running files, use the --nr (no-run) flag. If you use both the --nr and --nt flags, suman-watch does not have much to do :)

Suman watch can be told to use a plugin, which are loaded via the suman-watch-plugins project.
These plugins allow suman-watch to incorporate other watch processes, such as tsc --watch and webpack --watch.
Suman is able to incorporate other watchers, by hooking into the stdout outputted by those other watch utilities. We encourage people to write a plugin by submitting a PR here.

Just like with running suman at the command line, suman-watch uses the and files, where they exist. Transpilation will happen by default, if a file exists for that file, and the file is in a @src directory, otherwise no transpilation step will occur and the test will only be run. In order to transpile/compile, a file must exist. And if a file exists, a file must also exist, otherwise suman will have no idea how to execute your transpiled tests. However, a file can exist without a file. The and files will be applied to any sibling or child file in the filesystem tree.

Common Usage

Suman provides some sensible defaults for the two most common patterns when using watch features for testing -

  1. When test files change, we run the changed file. This can speed up test development, so you don't have to switch between editor and command line. This is especially useful when tests require a build step, because using a watcher process can allow developers to do incremental builds, thus saving a lot of time.

  2. Running a set of tests when project files (as opposed to test files) change.

    This will watch for files outside of your test directory, essentially the inverse of the above. This means you get can get quick feedback when developing new features on common code paths.

Suman allows you to define your own scripts to use when files change, using watch scripts defined in your suman.conf.js file. In order to accomplish #2 above, you should use a watch script.


Here are some example commands, with a description of what each command does.


suman --watch  # `suman -w` for short  


This will watch your testSrcDir (defined in your suman.conf.js file) for changes to any file in that directory that matches a runnable test, and transform and run it when it changes. The source file will only be transformed if there is relevant file.


suman -w --per="browser-tests"


Using "--per" is possibly the most useful way to use suman-watch. Using --per="browser-tests" tells suman to look at the suman.conf.js file, for this property watch.per['browser-tests']. The --per option should allow you to configure a few sane defaults for yourself.

The options for -w --per are shown below.


suman --watch --nt


This is probably not a common choice, but is supported. This will watch your testSrcDir (defined in your suman.conf.js file), but will only watch files for changes for which there is no relevant file. So what will happen is files may change, and they will be executed directly. This will allow you to rapidly develop tests which do not require compilation/transpilation. Note using the --nt option is exactly the same as omitting the option, if there are no files in your test directory.


suman --watch --nr


This will watch your testSrcDir (defined in your suman.conf.js file) for changes to any file in any @src directory, and run the nearest for that file, with the path of the changed file represented by the ${SUMAN_TEST_FILE_PATH} env variable. The --nr flag means the tests won't be run, just transpiled/compiled.

Suman watch scripts

You can define watch scripts in your suman.conf.js file, like so:

A complete list of options is here:

  watch: {
      per: {
        foo: {
          exec: 'suman test/*.js',
          include: [],
          exclude: [],
          confOverride: {},
          env: {}
        bar: {
          exec: 'suman --browser test/front-end/*.js',
          include: [],
          exclude: [],
          confOverride: {}
        baz: {
          exec: 'exec "${SUMAN_CHANGED_TEST_FILE}"',
          include: [],
          exclude: [],
          confOverride: {

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