
1.0.2 • Public • Published


This library was created specifically for personal use, but you can also use it! It only contains things that I, suouzuki, need in my projects (especially projects related to Discord).


To install it in your project is quite simple! Just use the code below

npm install suouzuki

> Utility

This topic has numerous functions, but I will only cover the main ones.

Oh, and to have the functions below, use the example code provided below.

const { util } = require("suouzuki");
util.isString("Hello World!"); // true

This is...

It checks if the value is indeed that, in the example above we used 'isString', which checks if it's a string, but there are various others such as:

isJSON(value) -> Check if the value is JSON or valid JSON.

isJSON({ name: "John", age: 30, city: "New York" }); // true
isJSON('{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}'); // true

isJSON('{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"'); // false (invalid JSON)
isJSON([]); // false

isEmpty(value) -> Check if the value is empty. (String, Array, Object, Map)

isEmpty('  '); // true (empty string)
isEmpty([]); // true (empty array)
isEmpty(new Map()); // true (empty map)
isEmpty({}); // true (empty object)

isEmpty('Hello World!'); // false (non-empty string)
isEmpty([1, 2, 3]); // false (non-empty array)
isEmpty({ key: 'value' }); // false (non-empty object)

isPrimitive(value) -> Check if the value is a primitive (null, number, string, boolean, undefined, or symbol).

isPrimitive(42); // true
isPrimitive("Hello World!"); // true
isPrimitive({}); // false

isBoolean(value)* -> Check if the value is a Boolean.

isBoolean(false); // true
isBoolean("false"); // false

isString(value) -> Check if the value is a String.

isString("Hello World!"); // true
isString(42); // false

... -> And there are numerous functions like these that I can't mention all of.

String, Number, and Array

Useful functions for manipulating: String, Number, and Array. There are many more functions, but I'll only include two of each (my favorites for each).

- String

limit(string, limit, final) -> Limits the length of a string and adds a final character.

const limitedString = limit("Olá, eu me chamo Suouzuki e programo Node.js!", 20, "...");
// Returns: "Olá, eu me chamo Suo..."

verify(string, -> Verifies the presence of specific substrings in a string.

const searchResults = verify("Olá, quem é você?", "Olá", "você", "eu");
// Returns: [true, true, false]


- Number

toRoman(number) -> Convert a number to its Roman numeral representation.

toRoman(42) // "XLII"
toRoman(1999) // "MCMXCIX"

abbrev(number) -> Convert a large number to an abbreviated format (e.g., 1000 to 1K, 1000000 to 1M).

abbrev(1000) // "1K"
abbrev(1000000) // "1M"


- Array

get(array, search) -> Get an item from an array based on a search text using Fuse.js.

const arr = ["Nino.", "José.", "Suouzuki."];
const value = get(arr, "josé"); // [{ name: "José.", ID: 1, score: 0.02 }]

random(array, path) -> Returns a random element from an array, based on a probability value.

const arr = [
  { value: 'Suouzuki.', probability: 0.2 },
  { value: 'José.', probability: 0.3 },
  { value: 'Nino.', probability: 0.5 },

const randomElement = random(arr, 'probability'); // { value: 'Nino.', probability: 0.5 } or other



It creates a custom error, allowing you to choose the name and description of the error.

Error.custom("myError", "Oops! An unexpected error occurred.");
// myError: Oops! An unexpected error occurred.


Creates a collector similar to discord.js but changing certain things.

const myCollection = new collection();
myCollection.set("value1", { test: true });
myCollection.set("value2", "hello");


Adds color to texts using the 'colors' library.

console.log(color("<color=red>Hello</>, are you <style=random>okay?</>"));

> Discord

Utilities and functions for the discord.js library.

Oh, and to have the functions below, use the example code provided below.

const { discord } = require("suouzuki");


A class that dynamically creates slash commands (/).

const CommandSlash = new slashCommandCreate("mycommand", "my first slash command");
CommandSlash.addOption("string", { length: { max: 10, min: 5 }, required: true });

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