Recursively unify and pattern match against a json object. Based on junify.
npm install super-unify
var SuperUnify = require("super-unify");
var myTemplate = {
a : SuperUnify.variable("myVar")
SuperUnify.loadTemplate("base", myTemplate);
var val = SuperUnify.unify({a: "hello"}, "base");
// val equals {"myVar" : "hello"}
var val2 = SuperUnify.unify({b: "world"}, "base");
// val equals false
// SuperUnify.failedUnions equals ["base"]
An array containing the names of the templates that failed to unify in the last unify execution. It is ordered from last invoked template to first invoked template. ie deepest to shallowest.
SuperUnify.variable(name) -> Unifyable Variable
see junify's variable
SuperUnify._ -> Unifyable Wildcard
see junify's _
SuperUnify.each(name, templateName) -> Unifyiable Variable
Each will return a unifying variable that when unified against an Array
will run SuperUnify.unify() against each element with the specified template
If a single element fails to unify then the whole unification will return false
var SuperUnify = require("super-unify");
var myTemplate = {
b : SuperUnify.variable("myVar")
var myEach = {
a : SuperUnify.each("EachMatch", "simpleVar")
SuperUnify.loadTemplate("simpleVar", myTemplate);
SuperUnify.loadTemplate("each", myEach);
var val = SuperUnify.unify({a:[{b: "Hello"}, {b:"World"}]}, "each");
// val equals {"EachMatch" : [{myVar:"Hello"}, {myVar:"World"}]}
var val2 = SuperUnify.unify({a: [{b: "world"}, {c:"fail"}], "each");
// val equals false
// SuperUnify.failedUnions equals ["simpleVar", "each"]
SuperUnify.weakEach(name, templateName) -> Unifyiable Variable
Each will return a unifying variable that when unified against an Array will run SuperUnify.unify() against each element with the specified template
If an element fails to unify it will be removed from the union array
If nothing unifies then it will return an empty array
var SuperUnify = require("super-unify");
var myTemplate = {
b : SuperUnify.variable("myVar")
var myEach = {
a : SuperUnify.weakEach("EachMatch", "simpleVar")
SuperUnify.loadTemplate("simpleVar", myTemplate);
SuperUnify.loadTemplate("weakEach", myEach);
var val = SuperUnify.unify({a:[{b: "Hello"}, {b:"World"}]}, "weakEach");
// val equals {"EachMatch" : [{myVar:"Hello"}, {myVar:"World"}]}
var val2 = SuperUnify.unify({a: [{b: "world"}, {c:"fail"}], "weakEach");
// val equals {"EachMatch" : [{myVar:"world"}]}