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1.2.0 • Public • Published

SuperLRU Cache

A high-performance LRU (Least Recently Used) cache implementation for TypeScript and JavaScript applications.

npm version License: Apache 2.0


  • 🚀 Efficient in-memory LRU caching with O(1) operations
  • 🔄 Optional Redis persistence for distributed applications
  • 🗜️ Automatic data compression using gzip
  • 🔐 AES-256-CBC encryption for sensitive data
  • 📊 Built-in cache statistics tracking
  • 📦 TypeScript support with full type safety


npm install superlru
# or
yarn add superlru
# or
pnpm add superlru

Quick Start

import { SuperLRU } from 'superlru'

// Create a type-safe cache instance
const cache = new SuperLRU<string, { prop1: string, prop2: number }>({ 
  maxSize: 100 

// Set a value
await cache.set('key1', {
  prop1: 'value',
  prop2: 12345.6789

// Get a value
const value = await cache.get('key1')
console.log(value) // { prop1: 'value', prop2: 12345.6789 }

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
maxSize number required Maximum number of entries in the cache
compress boolean true Enable gzip compression for stored values
encrypt boolean false Enable AES-256 encryption for stored values
initVector Buffer crypto.randomBytes(16) Initialization vector for encryption
securityKey Buffer crypto.randomBytes(32) Security key for encryption
onEvicted Function undefined Callback invoked when an item is evicted
writeThrough boolean false Enable Redis persistence
redisConfig Object undefined Redis connection configuration

Advanced Usage

Redis Integration

SuperLRU supports write-through caching with Redis for persistence across application restarts or distributed systems:

const cache = new SuperLRU<string, object>({
  maxSize: 1000,
  writeThrough: true,
  redisConfig: {
    user: 'username',
    pass: 'password',
    host: 'localhost:6379'


For sensitive data, enable encryption:

const cache = new SuperLRU<string, object>({
  maxSize: 1000,
  encrypt: true,
  // Optional: provide custom encryption keys
  initVector: Buffer.from('your-init-vector'),
  securityKey: Buffer.from('your-security-key')

Currently, AES-256-CBC is the only supported encryption method.

Working with Cache Statistics

SuperLRU provides built-in statistics tracking:

// Set and get some values...

// Get cache statistics
const stats = cache.stats()
console.log(`Cache size: ${stats.size}`)
console.log(`Cache hits: ${stats.hits}`)
console.log(`Cache misses: ${stats.misses}`)

// Reset statistics
const statsAndReset = cache.stats(true)

Eviction Callback

Register a callback to be notified when items are evicted:

const cache = new SuperLRU<string, object>({
  maxSize: 100,
  onEvicted: (key, value) => {
    console.log(`Item with key ${key} was evicted`)
    // Perform cleanup or logging

API Reference

SuperLRU<K, V>

class SuperLRU<K, V extends Object | string | number> implements Cache<K, V>


  • has(key: K): boolean - Check if a key exists in the cache
  • get(key: K): Promise<V | null> - Retrieve a value from the cache
  • set(key: K, value: V): Promise<void> - Store a value in the cache
  • unset(key: K): Promise<void> - Remove a value from the cache
  • allEntries(): Array<[K, V]> - Get all entries in the cache
  • stats(flush?: boolean): { hits: number; misses: number; size: number } - Get cache statistics

Performance test results

Write time for 1000 items: 9.148125ms (0.009148125ms per item)
Read hit time for 1000 items: 6.044292ms (0.006044292000000001ms per item)
Read miss time for 1000 items: 0.336917ms (0.000336917ms per item)
Write time with compression: 60.81225ms (0.6081225ms per item)
Write time without compression: 0.132667ms (0.00132667ms per item)
Read time with compression: 16.244792ms (0.16244792ms per item)
Read time without compression: 0.165833ms (0.0016583300000000002ms per item)
Write time with encryption: 0.929667ms (0.00929667ms per item)
Write time without encryption: 0.073167ms (0.0007316699999999999ms per item)
Read time with encryption: 0.562375ms (0.005623749999999999ms per item)
Read time without encryption: 0.091416ms (0.00091416ms per item)
Write time with high eviction rate (1000 items, cache size 10): 11.848417ms (0.011848417ms per item)
Initial memory usage (MB): { rss: 434, heapTotal: 262, heapUsed: 236 }
Memory after filling cache (MB): { rss: 644, heapTotal: 468, heapUsed: 410 }
Memory increase (MB): { rss: 210, heapTotal: 206, heapUsed: 174 }
Memory after clearing cache (MB): { rss: 644, heapTotal: 469, heapUsed: 415 }


Apache 2.0


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.




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