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0.3.0 • Public • Published


Svelte component and helper function for creating easy dynamic layouts with CSS media queries.

Note Since this package relies on CSS Media Query Listeners, content outside the Default slot is not rendered server-side. If you need conditional layouts based on screen sizes, and need SSR compatibility, use CSS @media queries in your styles instead.


Install using yarn / pnpm / npm:

$ yarn add -D svelte-breakpoints
$ pnpm add -D svelte-breakpoints
$ npm install --save-dev svelte-breakpoints



Import useMediaQuery and provide a valid CSS media query. It will return a readable boolean store representing whether the media query matches.

  import { useMediaQuery } from 'svelte-breakpoints';

  const isMobile = useMediaQuery('(max-width: 600px)');
  // => Returns type Readable<boolean>

  $: if ($isMobile) {
    console.log('Not desktop!');


{#if $isMobile}
  <!-- do something -->

It can be used for any valid CSS media queries.

import { useMediaQuery } from 'svelte-breakpoints';

const prefersDark = useMediaQuery('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');


Import the component and pass in the media queries to use. You can use either the default "sm"/"md"/"lg"/"xl" slots, or bind a variable to the "match" prop - this will return a readable store you can subscribe to, which will contain the name of the matching query, or undefined if none match.

When using slots, the component will render the highest matching slot (e.g., if both 'sm' and 'lg' queries match, it will render the 'lg' slot). If no slots match, it will render the default slot and simply provide the match prop for binding to.

<script lang="ts">
  import Breakpoints from 'svelte-breakpoints';
  import type { Readable } from 'svelte/store';
  import type { BreakpointMatch } from 'svelte-breakpoints';

  const mediaQueries = {
    sm: '(min-width: 0px)',
    md: '(min-width: 768px)',
    lg: '(min-width: 1024px)',

  let match: Readable<BreakpointMatch>;
  // type BreakpointMatch = 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | undefined

<!-- Using named slots -->
<Breakpoints queries={mediaQueries}>
  <svelte:fragment slot="lg">
    <p>Screen is at least 1024px wide</p>
  <svelte:fragment slot="md">
    <p>Screen is at least 768px wide</p>
  <svelte:fragment slot="sm">
    <p>Screen is less than 768px wide</p>

<!-- Binding to "match" -->
<Breakpoints queries={mediaQueries} bind:match>
  {#if $match === 'lg'}
    <p>Screen is at least 1024px wide</p>
    <p>Screen is less than 1024px wide</p>


To build the package, install deps with pnpm install, then run pnpm build. This will output the compiled files to the dist directory. To run the demo app, use pnpm dev.


To run the tests, use pnpm test. This runs all Playwright and Vitest tests.


If you find any issues, please open a new issue, or submit a pull request!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • kiosion