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3.6.0 • Public • Published

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Svelte Tel Input

Lightweight svelte tel/phone input standardizer.

🔥 Check it out live here


Svelte Tel Input is distributed via npm.

npm install svelte-tel-input


  • Support SSR/SSG.
  • Parse and validate phone number.You can store one exact format (E164), no matter how users type their phone numbers.
  • Format (specified to its country), to make it more readable.
  • Prevent non-digits typing into the input, except the leading + sign (and space optionally).
  • Handle copy-pasted phone numbers, it's sanitize non-digit characters except the leading + sign (and space optionally).
  • Automatic placeholder generation for the selected country.
  • International or National formatted phone numbers.



Snippet would be too long - Example - REPL (StackBlitz)


Example - REPL (StackBlitz)

<script lang="ts">
  import { TelInput, normalizedCountries } from 'svelte-tel-input';
  import type { DetailedValue, CountryCode, E164Number } from 'svelte-tel-input/types';

  // Any Country Code Alpha-2 (ISO 3166)
  let selectedCountry: CountryCode | null = 'HU';

  // You must use E164 number format. It's guarantee the parsing and storing consistency.
  let value: E164Number | null = '+36301234567';

  // Validity
  let valid = true;

  // Optional - Extended details about the parsed phone number
  let detailedValue: DetailedValue | null = null;

<div class="wrapper">
    class="country-select {!valid ? 'invalid' : ''}"
    aria-label="Default select example"
    <option value={null} hidden={selectedCountry !== null}>Please select</option>
    {#each normalizedCountries as currentCountry (}
        selected={currentCountry.iso2 === selectedCountry}
        aria-selected={currentCountry.iso2 === selectedCountry}
        {currentCountry.iso2} (+{currentCountry.dialCode})
    class="basic-tel-input {!valid ? 'invalid' : ''}"

  .wrapper :global(.basic-tel-input) {
    height: 32px;
    padding-left: 12px;
    padding-right: 12px;
    border-radius: 6px;
    border: 1px solid;
    outline: none;

  .wrapper :global(.country-select) {
    height: 36px;
    padding-left: 12px;
    padding-right: 12px;
    border-radius: 6px;
    border: 1px solid;
    outline: none;

  .wrapper :global(.invalid) {
    border-color: red;

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The default export of the library is the main TelInput component. It has the following props:

Property name Type Default Value Usage
value E164Number | null null E164 is the international format of phone.numbers. This is the main entry point to store and/or load an existent phone number.
country CountryCode | null null It's accept any Country Code Alpha-2 (ISO 3166). You can set manually (e.g: by the user via a select). The parser will inspect the entered phone number and if it detect a valid country calling code, then it's automatically set the country to according to the detected country calling code. E.g: +36 -> HU
disabled boolean false It's block the parser and prevent entering input. You must handle its styling on your own.
valid boolean true Indicates whether the entered tel number validity.
detailedValue DetailedValue |null null All of the formatted results of the tel input.
class string `` You can pass down any classname to the component
required boolean | null null Set the required attribute on the input element
options TelInputOptions check below Allow or disallow spaces in the input field
id string | null uid HTMLInputElement's attribute
name string | null null HTMLInputElement's attribute
readonly boolean | null null HTMLInputElement's attribute
size number | null null HTMLInputElement's attribute
autocomplete string | null null HTMLInputElement's attribute

Config options:

    // Generates country specific placeholder for the selected country.
    autoPlaceholder: true,
    // Allow or disallow spaces in the input field
    spaces: true,
    // If you have a parsed phone number and you change country manually from outside, then it's set the `valid` prop to false.
    invalidateOnCountryChange: false,
    // Formatted output `national` | `international`
    format: 'national'

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Dispatched Events

The default export of the library is the main TelInput component. It has the following props:

Event name Type
updateValue E164Number | null
updateDetailedValue DetailedValue |null
updateCountry CountryCode | null
updateValid boolean
parseError string

Use case of the event driven behavior

<script lang="ts">
	// Imports, etc....
	let value: E164Number | null = null;
	const yourHandler = (e: CustomEvent<E164Number | null>) => {
        value = e.detail //
        // do stuff...

<TelInput value={cachedValue ?? value} on:updateValue={yourHandler} ... />

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  • In order to reset value and/or country from outside (you must pass (or set if you binded) null for the property) have some side-effects:

    • Reseting the value will set (keep the country as is):
      • detailedValue to null
      • dispatch updateDetailedValue event
    • Reseting the country will set:
      • value to null
      • detailedValue to null
      • valid to true if invalidateOnCountryChange config option is false (@default false). Otherwise it will be false.
      • and dispatch updateValid, updateValue updateDetailedValue events
    • Reseting both value and country will set:
      • valid to true
      • detailedValue to null;
  • Let's assume you pass a US E164 number, which can be a partial E164, but long enough to determine the country and you pass DE country directly. The country will be updated to US, which is determined from the E164 in this example. If the E164 is not long enough to determine its country, then the country will stay what you passed to the component (DE).

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  • Solve the problem that a users can enter the same phone number in different formats.
  • Storing a phone number in a standard format, that can be indexable and searchable in any database.
  • Should be accessible for the the browser. Eg. for a <a href="tel+36201234567 />.
  • The stored phone number format can be useable for any SMS gateway(e.g for 2FA) and if somebody can call the number from anywhere, it should work.



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Package Changelog
@gyurielf/svelte-tel-input Changelog

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  • [x] Add Changelog
  • [x] Add CI/CD
  • [x] Integrate libphonenumber
  • [x] Implement parser
  • [x] Add basics docs and examples
  • [x] Add advanced examples
  • [x] Generate placeholders autimatically
  • [x] Move to monorepo
  • [ ] Improve A11Y

See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Distributed under the MIT License. See for more information.

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  • gyurielf