SVG Music Notation ♪♫..
There are some cases you want to have a music notation on your website. This library brings that capacibility to you. The library is developing but we decided to release the first one because it's useful for simple cases.
npm install svg-music-notation
The library is developed using react so you need react and react-dom
How to use it?
Using by input a string like:
const userSource = `TrebleClef 4/4 C5-4n D5-4n E5-4n D5-4n || C5-4n D5-4n F5-4n E5-4n |B C5-4n D5-4n E5-4n D5-4n C5-4n |BI don't know you, | but I want you | all the more for thatR-4n A4-8n G4-8n A4-8n G4-8n A4-8n G4-8n | C5-4n D5-4n E5-4n D5-8n C5-8n | C5-4n D5-4n F5-4n E5-4n |\\E \\E \\E \\E \\E \\E | Words fall through me and | al -ways fool me,`; ReactDOM;
And the library will render something like this on your web:
Falling slowly by Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova ( The barlines are changed )
There are another way to put data into by using json:
Supported range
- Pitch (note) range: C4 to C6
- Duration (note and rest) range: 1n (whole), 2n (half), 4n (quarter), 8n (eighth), 16n(sixteenth)
- Barline: | (barline), || (double barline), |B (bold double barline)
Lyrics rules
- \E: empty
if you don't need lyrics, just let the line empty