
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Swagger UI Live

Hosted Swagger UI with added support for local files and live updates


Swagger UI does a great job visualizing OpenAPI and Swagger specifications, but it lacks support for both local files and live updates to changes. To overcome these limitations, the swagger-ui-watcher tool was created, on whose idea this package is built on. But instead of providing a single tool for the whole workflow of watching file changes, bundling the files by resolving $ref elements and hosting a live visualization in Swagger UI, this package just focuses on the last part to allow the user using a custom implementation (e.g. in a build tool) for the others.


Since the package is available on NPM, it can easily be installed:

npm install swagger-ui-live

Because the actual Swagger UI distribution is just registered as a peer dependency to allow using any version of Swagger UI, it needs to be installed manually:

npm install swagger-ui-dist[@version]


Once the package is installed (and any version of swagger-ui-dist), it can be used by calling the directly exported method with a string containing the specification as first argument:

const fs = require('fs')
const swaggerLive = require('swagger-ui-live')

var spec = fs.readFileSync('path/to/spec.json', 'utf-8')
var server = swaggerLive(spec)

Swagger UI should now be hosted at http://localhost:3000/ serving the documentation for the given specification. The returned server object can be used to stop() the server or to update the spec at any time (e.g. periodically or after detecting a change with a file watcher):


Example: Gulp task

One possible use case is the integration into a build tool like Gulp:

const gulp = require('gulp')
const fs = require('fs')
const swaggerLive = require('swagger-ui-live')

var ui

function visualize() {
    return fs.promises.readFile('spec.json', 'utf-8')
        .then(ui ? ui.update : spec => ui = swaggerLive(spec))

exports.autovisualize = gulp.watch('spec.json', visualize)

This example can easily extended by other tasks to bundle multiple specification files or add other kinds of preprocessing. This modularity is the biggest advantage over the more popular swagger-ui-watcher tool.


swaggerLive(spec [,options])

The exposed method supports an optional second argument called options for customization. The supported options are:


The software is licensed under the MIT license.

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  • lukoerfer