Dependency free syntax highlighter for react.
The component is scaled 100% wide and 100% high relative to the div .wrapper which contains it. This allows for a full customization for height, width and other things such as transitions and box shadows.
Download via npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/syntacks
npm install syntacks
Demo: https://git.io/vQ9Nj
Upload/browse themes: https://goo.gl/iUrPZ7
Copy the file your download like so...
Import it into your file...
Add your syntack box...
And you're done :) 👍
Current Themes
Default themes are found here https://git.io/vQ9Nj and user uploaded custom themes here https://goo.gl/iUrPZ7
Creating custom themes
To create or use custom themes, all you have to do is define one with its properties like so. The parameters follow the below template.
/* > color > bgColor > spineColor > quotesColor > conditionColor > globalsColor > standardMethodsColor > specialMethodsColor > commentColor*/
Defining template and its theme.
; const myCoolTheme = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' 'rgb(41, 43, 57)' 'rgb(29, 31, 42)' 'rgb(138, 154, 181)' 'rgb(47, 162, 124)' 'rgb(203, 89, 192)' 'rgb(230, 28, 26)' 'rgb(174, 95, 230)' 'rgb(67, 135, 153)'; /* Note: Don't get confused,* you don't need to specifically* use rgb it's just what I am using in this example. */
Adding and compling your theme.
// Use the customTheme prop instead of the default, theme.<Syntack customTheme=myCoolTheme code=myCode/>
It works!
Real time editor /w syntax
In order to create an input into the syntack component we just have to use some super simple vanilla react.
;; { superprops thisstate = editedCode: ''; } { this; } { const SyntaxOutput = "width":"500px" "height":"350px" "position":"absolute" "transform":"translate(-50%, -50%)" "left":"50%" "top":"40%" ; const defaultInput = "width":"500px" "height":"200px" "position":"absolute" "transform":"translate(-50%, -50%)" "left":"50%" "top":"80%" ; return <div> <div style=SyntaxOutput> <Syntack theme='github' code=thisstateeditedCode/> </div> <textarea onChange= this style=defaultInput /> </div> ; ) }