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Syslogh.js is a library for logging to your system's Syslog (RFC 3164) from within Node.js. It provides simple native bindings to <syslog.h> and syslog(3). You're in luck, because it does not come with any bells and whistles. Intentionally. KISS, right?

Works with Node v0.10, v0.11, v0.12 and of course v4 (stable).
Using it in production with Monday Calendar, so will be kept up to date when new Node versions come out.


Install with: npm install syslogh


Using Syslogh.js is similar to using syslog(3) from C/C++.
First use openlog with your app name (up to 255 characters), options and the facility:

var Syslogh = require("syslogh")
Syslogh.openlog("myapp", Syslogh.PID, Syslogh.LOCAL7)

Then, when logging, just pass in the severity and your message.
Just like with regular syslog(3), you can use sprintf style placeholders. Those internally use Node's built-in Util.format.

Syslogh.syslog(Syslogh.NOTICE, "Freeze-frame high-five.")
Syslogh.syslog(Syslogh.NOTICE, "Phone %d.", 5)

You can also call Syslogh.closelog to close things down, but I'm not sure why you should bother. :-) Exiting your Node.js program will most likely shut everything down, too.

The syslog(3) manpage also talks about setlogmask to filter logs before they're sent. This isn't implemented. Not yet, at least.


Options to pass to openlog come from <syslog.h>.

Option Description
CONS Log to the system console on error.
ODELAY Delay open until syslog() is called. (Often default.)
PID Log the process ID with each message.
NDELAY Connect to syslog daemon immediately.
NOWAIT Don't wait for child processes.

Access them as constants. E.g. Syslogh.PID.
They form a bit mask, so to pass multiple of them to openlog, binary-OR them together with the | operator:

Syslogh.openlog("myapp", Syslogh.PID | Syslogh.NDELAY, Syslogh.LOCAL7)


Facilities to pass to openlog come from <syslog.h> and (RFC 3164).
Some facilities might differ between systems. For your own app use, best stick to LOCAL* facilities.

Facility Description
KERN Kernel messages.
USER User-level messages.
MAIL Mail system.
DAEMON System daemons.
AUTH Security/authorization messages.
SYSLOG Messages generated internally by syslogd.
LPR Line printer subsystem.
NEWS Network news subsystem.
UUCP UUCP subsystem.
CRON Clock daemon.
AUTHPRIV Security/authorization messages.
LOCAL0 Local use 0.
LOCAL1 Local use 1.
LOCAL2 Local use 2.
LOCAL3 Local use 3.
LOCAL4 Local use 4.
LOCAL5 Local use 5.
LOCAL6 Local use 6.
LOCAL7 Local use 7.

Access them as constants. E.g. Syslogh.LOCAL7.


Severities to pass to syslog come from <syslog.h> and (RFC 3164).

Severity Description
EMERG System is unusable.
ALERT Action must be taken immediately.
CRIT Critical conditions.
ERR Error conditions.
WARNING Warning conditions.
NOTICE Normal but significant.
INFO Informational messages.
DEBUG Debug-level messages.

Access them as constants. E.g. Syslogh.NOTICE.


Syslogh.js is released under a Lesser GNU Affero General Public License, which in summary means:

  • You can use this program for no cost.
  • You can use this program for both personal and commercial reasons.
  • You do not have to share your own program's code which uses this program.
  • You have to share modifications (e.g. bug-fixes) you've made to this program.

For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE file.


Andri Möll typed this and the code.
Monday Calendar supported the engineering work.

If you find Syslogh.js needs improving, please don't hesitate to type to me now at or create an issue online.



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