npm install t-matrix -S
Throughout the examples given I will use ES6 module syntax. If you prefer CommonJS then just use const Matrix = require('t-matrix');
in place of the import
statement. If you do want to use ES6 modules then you may find it useful to try reify.
Example usage
; //create a 5x5 magic square matrixconst M=Matrix; //and a target vector (column matrix)const v=Matrix//the expected sum of any row of a magic square is (n^3 + n)/2, which for n=5 is 65. //then solve v = M * a by rearranging to M \ v = aconst a=Matrix; //the answer should be [1,1,1,1,1] (plus some roundoff);console;
- a small library with no dependencies
- Be a familiar as possible to those used to other tools, in particular Matlab/Octave
- based on linear double (float64) arrays for precision and speed
- use row and column offset arrays so common operations, such as transpose or row/column swaps, are 'free' (no copying of data required)
- an ES6 module - only use the methods you need. If building with a tree-shaking bundler (e.g. rollup) then you only include what you use.
- provide what you need for most linear algebra work
- matrix construction (zeros, ones, eye, rand, diagonal, from arrays)
- operations (add, multiple, map elements)
- submatrices and transpose without copying data
- a good balance between speed and ease of use (if you need super-fast operations on large matrices you may want to look elsewhere).
- LU decomposition-based operations - inv, div, ldiv, det, solve
- flexible, expressive, extendable.
V1.1 complete with binary matrices as the main new feature. Started work on 1.2 which is mostly numerical methods such as interpolation, integration.
Release Notes
- v1.1.2
- cumsum added.
- v1.1.1
- gridInterp1 added - just linear interpolation so far
- v1.1.0
- kron and shift added
- Test and docs for kron and shift
- roadmap for v1.1. complete
- v1.0.7
- Binary matrices added
- Binary matrix addressing
- Testing and docs for binary matrices
- v1.0.6
- Added testing and coverage badges
- Added a dot product operation and testing
- v1.0.5
- More doc typo/inconsistency corrections.
- Added a cross product operation and testing.
- Updated devDependencies to remove vulnerabilities.
- v1.0.1 - v1.0.4
- Entirely documentation corrections and improvements.
- v1.0.0
- Refactored to the new API, fully testing implemented and passing, documentation now derived from jsdoc.
The current plan for future versions. Obviously the version numbers further out are more speculative.
- v1.2
- conv, grad, trapz, cumsum, interp1, interp2
- v1.3
- LU and QR decomposition
- after v1.3
- eigen, SVD
- fft and supporting methods
- sort, unique
Creating matrices
There is no way to create a Matrix class instance directly (using a new
operator), instead there are a few
standard functions which can be used to create matrices.
, ones
and rand
create matrices of arbitrary dimension initialised in different ways and all have the same general form:
;const m1=; //a 3x3 square matrix filled with zerosconst m2=; //a matrix with 4 rows and 5 columns filled with onesconst m3=; //a matrix with 6 rows and 5 columns filled with random values in the range [0,1)const m4=; //a matrix the same size as m3 filled with zeros.
and magic
both take just one number which is the matrix size as both produce only square matrices:
;const m5=; //a 3x3 identity matrixconsole;//'[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]'const m6=; //a 4x4 magic squareconsole;//'[[16,2,3,13],[5,11,10,8],[9,7,6,12],[4,14,15,1]]'
is the more general purpose function and will try and convert arrays into a matrix:
;const m7=Matrix; //An array of numbers becomes a column matrixconst m8=Matrix; //An array of arrays assumes row-major order, so this becomes a row matrixconst m9=Matrix; //and this is a 2x2 matrix.
can be used to create a diagonal matrix if provided with a single parameter which is an array or a column or row matrix:
;const m10=Matrix;//a 4x4 matrix with 1,2,3,4 on the diagonal.
In addition diag
can als be used to get or set the diagonal elements of a matrix. See the API help for more details.
creates a pair of matrices filled with row and column indices:
;const m11m12=Matrix;//m11 = [[0,0,0],[1,1,1]], m12 = [[0,1,2],[0,1,2]]
the grid parameters can also be Ranges and in general works in a similar way to the 2D case of ndgrid
in matlab or octave.
Matrix methods and properties
Core methods
The Matrix class has a few core methods and properties to provide information regarding a matrix and examine and manipulate its values:
- matrix.get gets one or more values of a matrix
- matrix.set sets one or more values
- matrix.size returns a 2-element array containing the matrix height and width
- matrix.clone returns a copy of the matrix
- matrix.map map the values of a matrix to a new matrix.
You can use the .get
and .set
methods to retrieve and assign single values, for example m.get(0,1)
would get the
value in row 0, column 1, and m.set(0,1,5)
would set that same value to the number 5. However .get
and .set
much more useful when used with a Range to set the row and column indices.
The way to define a range should be (at least somewhat) familiar to those used to Matlab/Octave.
For example m.set(0,':',1)
will set all the values in row 0 to 1, or m.get([1,2],[':',4])
will return a matrix which
contains all columns up to (and including) column 4 of rows 1 and 2 (a 2x5 matrix).
An important point to note is that .get
, when it returns a matrix, returns one which maps onto the same underlying data
array as the original matrix - any changes to either matrix will be reflected in the other. There are many more examples
in the documentation for the Range data type and the get and set methods, however
a couple of basic examples:
;const m=Matrix; //a 4x4 matrix filled with zerosm //fill the middle two rows with fives. ; //set the top three elements of column 2 to ones.console;//'[[1,0],[0,1],[5,5],[0,0]]' m;//swap rows 1 and 2console;//'[[0,1,0,0],[5,5,5,5],[5,0,1,5],[0,0,0,0]]'
Note on that last example that the library is aware when set
ting a range to a get
derived from the same data, so it
is safe to use this to (for example) swap or rotate data within a matrix.
To get or set the diagonal of a matrix see diag.
A matrix is itself an iterable, iterating in row-major order over all values:
;let t=0;forlet v of Matrix t+=v;console;//Total of a 3x3 magic square = 45
There are also helper functions, Matrix.rows and Matrix.cols, to iterate over rows and columns:
;const tots=;forlet r of MatrixrowsMatrix tots;console;//Row sums = 15,15,15
These functions can be mixed-in to become methods
;Matrix;const tots=;forlet r of Matrixcols tots;console;//Column sums = 15,15,15
Operations on matrices
So far there are only a small set of the basic matrix arithmetic operations. More will follow in time.
- Matrix.sum, Matrix.max, Matrix.min, Matrix.product are all element-wise operations. They can operate:
- Over an entire matrix, returning a single value.
- Along the rows of a matrix, returning a column matrix with a result per row.
- Down the columns of a matrix, returning a row matrix with a result per column.
- Over a set of matrices and/or scalars (see the API reference for more details).
- matrix.t is the matrix transpose.
- Matrix.mult, Matrix.div, Matrix.ldiv and Matrix.inv.
is a unary operation.div
are binary operations.div(a,b)
is equivalent toa/b
is equivalent toa\b
which is equivalent to(b'/a')'
is the transpose.
can take an arbitrary number of matrices and scalars and will multiply them together. There must be at least one matrix, and the matrix dimensions must agree with standard matrix multiplication rules.
- Matrix.det returns the determinant of a matrix.
- Matrix.trace returns the trace (the sum of the diagonal) of a matrix.
- Matrix.kron returns the Kronecker product of two matrices.
- Matrix.mapMany is an extension of the matrix.map which takes an arbitrary list of matrices and a mapping lambda function to create a new matrix. This can be a much more concise method to use if you end up with many nested or chained arithmetic operations.
Binary matrices
There is just one function required for binary matrices, Matrix.bin, which acts as a creation function, a conversion function or to map the contents of several matrices to a binary matrix. the standard matrix.get and matrix.set both can be used with binary matrices for indexing into and modifying matrix contents.
Matrix manipulation
Again just the most essential matrix manipulation methods have been implemented so far. More will follow, however the flexibility of the matrix get and set methods should allow most others to be composed.
- Matrix.hcat, Matrix.vcat and Matrix.mcat concatenate matrices in various ways
are the expected horizontal and vertical concatentation methodsmcat
is more flexible and allows composition through both horizontal and vertical concatenation. See the function reference for more details.- For all of these functions the matrix dimensions must appropriately agree.
- Matrix.reshape can change the dimensions of a matrix. Row-major element order is assumed.
- Matrix.repmat can repeat a matrix horizontally and vertically.
- Matrix.minor returns a matrix with a specified row and column removed.
- Matrix.swapRows and Matrix.swapCols does pretty much what you might expect.
Helpers and Mixins
There are two helper generator functions, Matrix.rows and Matrix.cols which are described with the matrix iterables. There is also an isMatrix function to test if an object is a valid matrix. The potentially most useful helper function is, however, Matrix.mixin.
The t-matrix
library has intentionally been designed to be tree-shaking friendly. You can get the banana without the gorilla holding it.
However this means that the matrix object is quite light on methods and instead most of the functionality is wrapped up
in many functions, which can make some expressions quite cumbersome. e.g. you want to calculate (xA + yB)/C
and you have to
express that as Matrix.div(Matrix.sum(Matrix.mult(A,x),Matrix.mult(B,y)),C)
. Ugh. Wouldn't it be nicer if you could
do A.mult(x).sum(B.mult(y)).div(C)
instead? This is where Matrix.mixin comes in.
adds functions to the Matrix prototype so that fn(matrix, ...params)
becomes matrix.fn(...params)
can take any number of functions as arguments. Each function is added as a method using the name the function
was originally declared with (using fn.name
). Alternatively a string can be included before a function in the list of
parameters and that string will be used as the name. As well as adding in-built methods this also allows the addition
of custom methods.
For example, to add in the arithmetic operations above, have a file which configures t-matrix
how you want it:
then from elsewhere in your code:
;//Solve A*x = Bconst A = Matrix;const B = Matrix;const x = A;console;//[ [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ]
Alternatively, to add a custom method:
;Matrix;console;//[ [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]
However, if all of this is too much pain, and you really don't care about tree-shaking, or are only every going to run your code in nodejs, then:
will just add every standard function which can be a method as a method.
A final word of caution however. If what you are building 'owns' the global namespace, the mixin as much as you like. However if what is being built is a library, then it is recommended not to use the mixin function as it will modify the returned Matrix class for all libraries which use it.
Tutorial - making magic squares
This will follow some of the code already in the library, however it is a useful example in how to express a matrix algorithm using this library. The algorithms used are the same as those used in Matlab as described here.
Odd-order magic squares
A vectorised version of de La Loubere's method is expressed in Matlab/Octave code as:
[I,J] = ndgrid(1:n);A = mod(I+J+(n-3)/2,n);B = mod(I+2*J-2,n);M = n*A + B + 1;
We will need three methods here, grid, sum and product (NOTE: mult could be used instead as we are only multiplying by a scalar).
;{ //code to go here...}
Calculating I and J looks very similar to the matlab:
const IJ = ;
To get A we are summing a number of terms:
const A = ;
however that is incomplete as we need to mod
all the values of A. This can be done using a .map:
const A = ;
We can similarly calculate B:
const B = ;
And finally return the magic square
return ;
So, now we have some code which deals with odd-order magic squares:
;{ if n%2 const IJ = ; const A = ; const B = ; return ; }
Doubly-even-order magic squares
The matlab code for the doubly-even algorithm is:
[I,J] = ndgrid(1:n);M = reshape(1:n^2,n,n)';K = floor(mod(I,4)/2) == floor(mod(J,4)/2);M(K) = n^2+1 - M(K);
The I and J matrices are the same. The calculation of the initial matrix M is slightly different as t-matrix uses row-major order whereas Matlab assumes column-major order. All this means, however, is that we don't need the transpose:
const IJ = ;const M = ;
The final step requires the use of binary (logical in Matlab/Octave terminology) matrices and binary addressing. The binary matrix function Matrix.bin is used to create K and a mapping function is used in set to then modify the matrix values.
const K = ;M;return M;
The expanded code now looks like this:
;{ if n%2 const IJ = ; const A = ; const B = ; return ; else if n%4===0 const IJ = ; const M = ; const K = ; M; return M; }
Singly-even-order magic squares
This is the trickiest case of the three. In essence the method is to repeat odd-order magic squares in the four quarters of the matrix with the addition of [0,2;3,1]*n²/4. This gets the rows adding up correctly. To get the columns working some swapping of values is required.
p = n/2; %p is odd. M = oddOrderMagicSquare(p); M = [M M+2*p^2; M+3*p^2 M+p^2]; i = (1:p)'; k = (n-2)/4; j = [1:k (n-k+2):n]; M([i; i+p],j) = M([i+p; i],j); i = k+1; j = [1 i]; M([i; i+p],j) = M([i+p; i],j);
Forming the M matrix on the third line needs the introduction of another new t-matrix method, Matrix.mcat. This could be done using separate horizontal and vertical concatenation (hcat and vcat), however mcat makes this job a lot simpler:
const p = n>>1;let M = ;M = ;
We need to be careful in the matrix addressing with the next two steps as matlab uses a 1-based index, whereas t-matrix (like JavaScript) is 0-based. Note also that the [i; i+p] is just addressing the whole range. Similarly [i+p; i] is the whole range with a half-way circular shift. Here the flexibility of Range indexing really helps:
let k = n-2>>2 j = ':'k-1n+1-k':';M;j = 0k;M;return M;
The range expressions benefit from a little explanation. [p,':']
provides a range from p
to the end of the
dimension concerned (so if there were 10 rows, [5,':']
would expand to [5,6,7,8,9]
). Similarly [':',p-1]
range from 0
up to and including p-1
. When taken back-to-back the two ranges will therefore extend to the end of
the dimension and then again back from the start, so [p,':',':',p-1]
for p=5 and a size of 10 would expand to [5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4]
swapping the left and right halves of a full range.
So, the final code for generating magic squares:
;//Valid for any integer n of 3 or greater{ if n%2 const IJ = ; const A = ; const B = ; return ; if n%4===0 const IJ = ; const M = ; const K = ; M; return M; const p = n>>1; let M = ; M = ; let k = n-2>>2 j = ':'k-1n+1-k':'n-1; M; j = 0k; M; return M;}
Matrix Creation
- Matrix.from(data) ⇒
Create a matrix from the supplied data.
- Matrix.zeros(rows, [cols]) ⇒
creates a new matrix filled with zeros
- Matrix.ones(rows, [cols]) ⇒
creates a new matrix filled with ones
- Matrix.eye(n) ⇒
creates a new identity matrix of size n
- Matrix.rand(rows, [cols]) ⇒
creates a new matrix filled with random values between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive
- Matrix.magic(size) ⇒
Creates a magic square of the specified size
- Matrix.diag(matrix, [set]) ⇒
gets, sets or creates diagonal matrices
Matrix Manipulation
- Matrix.mcat(array) ⇒
Concatenates a nested array of matrices - horizontally and vertically as required.
- Matrix.reshape(matrix, rows, cols) ⇒
Reshape the matrix to the dimensions specified treating the matrix data in row-major order
- Matrix.swapRows(matrix, rowsA, rowsB) ⇒
Swap the rows of a matrix.
- Matrix.swapCols(matrix, colsA, colsB) ⇒
Swap the columns of a matrix.
- Matrix.minor(matrix, row, col) ⇒
Return a matrix with the given row and column removed.
- Matrix.repmat(matrix, vRepeat, hRepeat) ⇒
Repeat the supplied matrix the specified number of times horizontally and vertically.
- Matrix.vcat(matrices) ⇒
Vertically concatenate matrices together
- Matrix.hcat(matrices) ⇒
Horizontally concatenate matrices together
- Matrix.shift(matrix, [rowShift], [colShift]) ⇒
Circularly shift the matrix by the specified steps. The shifts are MOD the respective matrix dimension.
- Matrix.diag(matrix, [set]) ⇒
gets, sets or creates diagonal matrices
Matrix Operations
- Matrix.sum(...matrices) ⇒
Return the sum of the matrix in the direction specified or the element-wise sum of the set of matrices.
- Matrix.max(...matrices) ⇒
Return the maximum of the matrix in the direction specified or the element-wise maximum of the set of matrices.
- Matrix.min(...matrices) ⇒
Return the minimum of the matrix in the direction specified or the element-wise minimum of the set of matrices.
- Matrix.product(...matrices) ⇒
Return the product of the matrix values in the direction specified or the element-wise product of the set of matrices.
- Matrix.trace(matrix) ⇒
Returns the trace of a matrix (the sum of the diagonal elements)
- Matrix.mapMany(...matrices, fn) ⇒
Creates a new matrix with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the supplied set of matrices.
- Matrix.bin(...matrices, [fn]) ⇒
Creates a new binary matrix with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the supplied set of one or more matrices.
- Matrix.mult(...matrices) ⇒
Performs matrix multiplication on a list of matrices and/or scalars
- Matrix.det(matrix) ⇒
Calculate the determinant of a matrix.
- Matrix.ldiv(A, B) ⇒
Left-division. Solve Ax = B for x.
- Matrix.div(A, B) ⇒
Right-division. Solve xB = A for x.
- Matrix.inv(matrix) ⇒
Calculate the inverse of a matrix.
- Matrix.abs(matrix) ⇒
Return a new matrix containing the element-wise absolute values of the source matrix.
- Matrix.grid(rows, [cols]) ⇒
Generate a regular grid in 2D space
- Matrix.cross(A, B, [dim]) ⇒
Calculate the cross product(s) of two vectors or sets of vectors.
- Matrix.dot(A, B, [dim]) ⇒
Calculate the scalar dot product(s) of two vectors or sets of vectors.
- Matrix.kron(A, B) ⇒
Calculate the Kronecker tensor product of two matrices
Matrix Calculations
- Matrix.gridInterp1(v, q) ⇒
1D interpolation of uniformly spaced data.
- Matrix.cumsum(m, dim) ⇒
Calculate the cumulative sum along the rows or down the columns of a matrix.
Other Matrix Functions
- Matrix.rows(matrix) ⇒
Iterate over the rows.
- Matrix.cols(matrix) ⇒
Iterate over the columns.
- Matrix.isMatrix(val) ⇒
Tests if a value is an instance of a Matrix
- Matrix.isBinary(val) ⇒
Tests if a value is an instance of a binary Matrix
- Matrix.mixin(...methods)
Add static functions of the form
to the Matrix prototype asmatrix.fn(args)
- Matrix
The core matrix class
- Range :
A Specification of indices of the row or column of a matrix, or a range of array values.
The core matrix class
- Matrix
- new Matrix()
- .toJSON ⇒
- .size ⇒
- .t ⇒
- [Symbol.iterator]() ⇒
- .get(rows, [cols]) ⇒
- .set([rows], [cols], val) ⇒
- .clone([rows], [cols]) ⇒
- .map(fn) ⇒
new Matrix()
This class is not intended to be directly created by a user of this library, rather it is returned by the various creation functions (such as zeros, eye or from) and as a returned result from various operation and manipulation methods and functions.
matrix.toJSON ⇒ Convert the matrix to an array of number arrays.
const m=Matrix; //will create a column vectorconsole; //[0,1,2,3,4,5]console; //[[0,1,2,3,4,5]]console; //[[0,1,2],[3,4,5]]//enables a matrix instance to be serialised by JSON.stringifyconsole; //"[0,1,2,3,4,5]"
matrix.size ⇒ The matrix height and width in an array.
const m=Matrix;console;//[3,1]
matrix.t ⇒ The transpose of the matrix
const m=Matrix;console; // [[1,3],[2,4]]
matrix[Symbol.iterator]() ⇒ Iterates through the matrix data in row-major order
Example (Iterating the matrix values in a for..of loop)
//Calculate the L²-norm of a matrix{ let tot=0; forlet v of matrix tot+=v*v; return Math;}
Example (Using the ES6 spread operator with a matrix)
const m=Matrix;console; //=> [1,2,3,4,5,6];
| Number
matrix.get(rows, [cols]) ⇒ Return a value or subset of a matrix. The matrix subset is a view into the current matrix. This means that any change to the returned matrix subset will also change the original matrix. If a copy of the matrix data is desired then clone should be used.
Param | Type | Description |
rows | Matrix | Range | Number |
Zero-based row or linear index or indices or a binary matrix |
[cols] | Matrix | Range | Number |
Zero-based column index or indices or a binary matrix |
const m=Matrix;// Specify single indices to return a valuem //1 // The same indices in an array will return a matrixm //Matrix [1] // A general [Range](#Range) can be specified.m // Matrix [1;3]m // The original matrix.m // Return a matrix flipped vertically // Any sub-matrix returned is a view into the source matrix.const a= b=a;b;console // [[0,0,0,0], [0,2,2,0], [0,2,2,0], [0,0,0,0]] // Binary 1D matrices can also be used to select rows or columnsconst b = Matrix;const m = Matrix;console; // [ [ 16, 3 ], [ 9, 6 ] ] // Linear indices can also be used. The index is in **row major order**.// A single index returns a single value.const m = Matrix;console; // 13, // Ranges or matrices can be used. A column vector will always be returnedconsole; // [ 5, 11, 10, 8 ] // A binary matrix can also be used. This is often derived from the matrix itselfconst m = Matrix;const b = Matrix;console; // [ 16, 13, 14, 15 ]
matrix.set([rows], [cols], val) ⇒ Set a value or range of values of the matrix
Param | Type | Description |
[rows] | Range | Number |
Row index or indices. zero-based |
[cols] | Range | Number |
Column index or indices. zero-based |
val | Number | Matrix | Array | function | Boolean |
Values to assign to the specified range or a function to modify the values |
const m=Matrix;//Set a single valuem; //[0,0,0; 0,5,0; 0,0,0] //Set a range to a single valuem; //[3,3,3; 0,5,0; 0,0,0] //The value can also be a matrix of the matching size, or an array which resolves to such.m; //[3,3,3; 0,5,0; 7,8,6]//If val is an array, [from](#from) will be used to convert it to a matrix. //If no row and column indices are provided, the value will apply to the whole matrixm; //[1,1,1; 1,1,1; 1,1,1] //Linear indices can be used for single valuesm; //[1,1,1; 1,2,1; 1,1,1] //Or for vectors of values. Note that the addressing is **row major order** although data must be provided in a column matrixm; //[1,1,0; 0,0,0; 0,1,1] //A binary matrix can also be used.Matrix;m; //[1,1,2; 2,2,2; 2,1,1]
matrix.clone([rows], [cols]) ⇒ Clone the current matrix, or a subset of the current matrix if rows and columns are specified.
Param | Type | Description |
[rows] | Range | Number |
If specified, the rows to clone |
[cols] | Range | Number |
If specified, the columns to clone |
matrix.map(fn) ⇒ Creates a new matrix with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the supplied matrix.
Param | Type |
fn | function |
const m=Matrix;console; //[1,2,4,8,16,32]
Matrix.rows(matrix) ⇒ Iterate over the rows.
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
//Log each matrix rowforlet row of Matrixrowsmatrix console;
Matrix.cols(matrix) ⇒ Iterate over the columns.
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
//Log the range of each columnforlet col of Matrixcolsmatrix console;
Matrix.isMatrix(val) ⇒ Tests if a value is an instance of a Matrix
Returns: boolean
- 'true' if val
is an instance of Matrix, 'false' otherwise.
Param | Type | Description |
val | * |
The value to test. |
Matrix.isBinary(val) ⇒ Tests if a value is an instance of a binary Matrix
Returns: boolean
- 'true' if val
is an instance of a binary Matrix, 'false' otherwise.
Param | Type | Description |
val | * |
The value to test. |
Add static functions of the form fn(matrix,...args)
to the Matrix prototype as matrix.fn(args)
Param | Type | Description |
...methods | function | Object | Array.<function()> |
The method(s) to add |
Example (Adding standard functions)
;Matrix;const m=Matrix;console; //=> 1, 6
Example (Adding a custom function)
;const sqrt = matrix;Matrix;const m=Matrix;console; //=> [1,2,3]
Example (Using a config file for the Matrix class)
// inside 'matrix-setup.js';const neg = matrix;; // inside other modules;console;//[[-1,-2,-3],[-4,-5,-6],[-7,-8,-9]]
Example (Just include everything which can be included)
| Number
| String
Range : A Specification of indices of the row or column of a matrix, or a range of array values.
//An arbitrary sequence of indices or numbers can be expressed123 //=> expands to the same list of indices: 1,2,3-1-2-3 //=> -1,-2,-3 //If specifying indices, negative numbers index from the end of an array.-1-2-3 //for an array of length 10, => 9,8,7 //Ranges can be expressed with the special character ':'1':'5 //=> 1,2,3,4,5 //Therefore to express the full range0':'-1 // for length 10, => 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 //When used at the start of a range definition, the range start is assumed':'-1 // equivalent to [0,':',-1] //When used at the end of a range definition, the range end is assumed':' // equivalent to [0,':'] and [':',-1] and [0,':',-1] //Ranges with a larger step can be expressed using '::'1'::'25 //=> 1,3,5 //Similar to ':' start and end limits can be implied'::'2 // equivalent to [0,'::',2,-1] //Negative steps can also be used5'::'-21 //=> 5,3,1 //Similarly end limits can be implied'::'-1 //=> [-1,'::',-1,0] which for length 10 => 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 //However if the step size is missing, an error will be thrown'::' //will throw an error when used //Many ranges can be used in one definition5':'-10':'4 //for length 10=> 5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4 //Wherever a range definition is truncated by a second definition, end points are implied5':'':'4 //equivalent to [5,':',-1,0,':',4] //The same is true of the '::' operator4'::'-1'::'-15 // for length 10=>4,3,2,1,0,9,8,7,6,5 //Where there is only one entry, this can be expressed outside of an array4 //equivalent to [4]':' //specifies the full range
Matrix.gridInterp1(v, q) ⇒ 1D interpolation of uniformly spaced data.
The first parameter, v, is the data to be interpolated and the second parameter, q, indicates 0-based fractional index positions into v. If v is a column vector then the returned matrix will be the size of q. Alternatively v can contain multiple columns of data in which case q must be a column vector and the output matrix will have the row count of q and the column count of v.
Category: calculation
Param | Type |
v | Matrix |
q | Matrix |
Matrix.cumsum(m, dim) ⇒ Calculate the cumulative sum along the rows or down the columns of a matrix.
Category: calculation
Param | Type |
m | Matrix |
dim | Number |
Matrix.from(data) ⇒ Create a matrix from the supplied data.
Category: creation
Param | Type | Description |
data | Matrix | Array.Number | Array.Array.Number |
If data is a matrix then it is just returned. An array of numbers becomes a column matrix. An array of an array of numbers becomes a row matrix. An array of arrays of numbers becomes a general matrix. The inner arrays must all have the same length. |
Example (Creating a column matrix)
Matrix//[1; 2; 3; 4]
Example (Creating a row matrix)
Example (Creating an arbitrary matrix)
Matrix;//a 3x2 matrix [1,2; 3,4; 5,6]
Example (A matrix is just passed through)
const m = Matrix;check = Matrix === m; //true
Matrix.zeros(rows, [cols]) ⇒ creates a new matrix filled with zeros
Category: creation
Param | Type | Description |
rows | number |
number of rows |
[cols] | number |
number of columns |
Matrix.ones(rows, [cols]) ⇒ creates a new matrix filled with ones
Category: creation
Param | Type | Description |
rows | number |
number of rows |
[cols] | number |
number of columns |
Matrix.eye(n) ⇒ creates a new identity matrix of size n
Category: creation
Param | Type | Description |
n | number |
number of rows and columns |
Matrix.rand(rows, [cols]) ⇒ creates a new matrix filled with random values between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive
Category: creation
Param | Type | Description |
rows | number |
number of rows |
[cols] | number |
number of columns |
Matrix.magic(size) ⇒ Creates a magic square of the specified size
Category: creation
Param | Type | Description |
size | Number |
The size of the magic square. Must be 1 or an integer 3 or greater. |
Matrix.diag(matrix, [set]) ⇒ gets, sets or creates diagonal matrices
Category: creationAndManipulation
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix | Array |
[set] | Matrix | Array | function | Number |
Example (Extract the diagonal elements from a matrix)
;//Create a magic squareconst mag = Matrix;//Get the sum of the diagonal elements - should add up to 15 for a 3x3 magic squareconsole; //15
Example (Set the diagonal elements of a matrix)
;Matrix; //just add everything in for ease//Create a new matrix with a diagonal 1,2,3,4const mDiag = Matrix;console;//[[1,0,0,0],[0,2,0,0],[0,0,3,0],[0,0,0,4]]//Create it using the diag call directlyconsole;//returns the same as above
Matrix.mcat(array) ⇒ Concatenates a nested array of matrices - horizontally and vertically as required.
The matrices to be concatenated must be supplied as an array of arrays of matrices. The inner arrays are concatenated horizontally and the outer arrays are concatenated vertically.
Category: manipulation
Param | Type |
array | Array.<Array.<Matrix>> |
const m = Matrix;console; //[[1,1,0,0],[1,1,0,0],[0,0,1,1],[0,0,1,1]]
Matrix.reshape(matrix, rows, cols) ⇒ Reshape the matrix to the dimensions specified treating the matrix data in row-major order
Category: manipulation
Param | Type | Description |
matrix | Matrix |
The matrix to reshape. |
rows | Number |
The row count for the new matrix. |
cols | Number |
The column count for the new matrix. |
const m=Matrix;const m2=Matrix;console; //[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]//If reshape is used a lot to form new matrices, consider adding it to the matrix prototype with mixinMatrix;console; // [[1,2],[3,4]]
Matrix.swapRows(matrix, rowsA, rowsB) ⇒ Swap the rows of a matrix.
No data is actually copied here, so this is a very efficient operation. Two lists of indices are supplied, and these can both be Range types. The pairs of rows from rowsA and rowsB are then swapped in order from the start of each list. If more indices are specified in one list than the other then these additional indices are ignored.
This function can be added to the Matrix prototype as a method using Matrix.mixin, it returns the matrix object for chaining.
Category: manipulation
Param | Type | Description |
matrix | Matrix |
rowsA | Range | Number |
The first list of rows to swap |
rowsB | Range | Number |
The second list of rows to swap, must be the same length as rowsA |
Matrix.swapCols(matrix, colsA, colsB) ⇒ Swap the columns of a matrix.
No data is actually copied here, so this is a very efficient operation. Two lists of indices are supplied, and these can both be Range types. The pairs of columns from colsA and colsB are then swapped in order from the start of each list. If more indices are specified in one list than the other then these additional indices are ignored.
This function can be added to the Matrix prototype as a method using Matrix.mixin, it returns the matrix object for chaining.
Category: manipulation
Param | Type | Description |
matrix | Matrix |
colsA | Range | Number |
The first list of columns to swap |
colsB | Range | Number |
The second list of columns to swap, must be the same length as rowsA |
Matrix.minor(matrix, row, col) ⇒ Return a matrix with the given row and column removed.
The minor of a matrix is the matrix with the specified row and column removed. The matrix returned by this function is a new matrix, but references the same data. No data is copied so this is a fast operation.
Category: manipulation
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
row | Number |
col | Number |
Matrix.repmat(matrix, vRepeat, hRepeat) ⇒ Repeat the supplied matrix the specified number of times horizontally and vertically.
Category: manipulation
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
vRepeat | Number |
hRepeat | Number |
Matrix.vcat(matrices) ⇒ Vertically concatenate matrices together
Category: manipulation
Param | Type |
matrices | Matrix |
Matrix.hcat(matrices) ⇒ Horizontally concatenate matrices together
Category: manipulation
Param | Type |
matrices | Matrix |
Matrix.shift(matrix, [rowShift], [colShift]) ⇒ Circularly shift the matrix by the specified steps. The shifts are MOD the respective matrix dimension.
Category: manipulation
Param | Type | Description |
matrix | Matrix |
[rowShift] | Number |
Number of rows to shift down. A negative number shifts up. If matrix is a vector and only one shift parameter is specified then this applies to the first dimension of length greater than 1. |
[colShift] | Number |
Number of columns to shift right. A negative number shifts left. |
const m = Matrix;Matrix // shift the contents one down and one to the rightMatrix // shift the contents one up. The matrix has three columns so a shift of 3 does nothing.
| Number
Matrix.sum(...matrices) ⇒ Return the sum of the matrix in the direction specified or the element-wise sum of the set of matrices.
or m.sum()
will sum all the values of a matrix, returning a number.
or m.sum(null,1)
will sum the matrix columns, returning a row matrix.
or m.sum(null,2)
will sum the matrix rows, returning a column matrix.
or m1.sum(m2,m3,...)
will calculate an element-wise sum over all the matrices.
For the last case, the supplied list of matrices must either have the same row count or a row count of 1, and the same column count or a column count of 1. This includes scalar values which implicitly are treated as 1x1 matrices. Arrays can also be provided and these will be converted to matrices using Matrix.from. Row matrices will be added to every row, column matrices to every column and scalar values to every matrix element.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
| Number
Matrix.max(...matrices) ⇒ Return the maximum of the matrix in the direction specified or the element-wise maximum of the set of matrices.
or m.max()
will return the max of all the values of a matrix.
or m.max(null,1)
will return a row matrix containing max of each matrix column.
or m.max(null,2)
will return a column matrix containing max of each matrix row.
or m1.max(m2,m3,...)
will calculate an element-wise max over all the matrices.
For the last case, the supplied list of matrices must either have the same row count or a row count of 1, and the same column count or a column count of 1. This includes scalar values which implicitly are treated as 1x1 matrices. Arrays can also be provided and these will be converted to matrices using Matrix.from. An element of the returned matrix of a given row and column will be the max of that row and column of all regular matrices, of that row of all column matrices, of that column of all row matrices and of all scalar values.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
| Number
Matrix.min(...matrices) ⇒ Return the minimum of the matrix in the direction specified or the element-wise minimum of the set of matrices.
Works the same way as other similar operations. See Matrix.max for more details.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
| Number
Matrix.product(...matrices) ⇒ Return the product of the matrix values in the direction specified or the element-wise product of the set of matrices.
Works the same way as other similar operations. See Matrix.sum for more details.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
Matrix.trace(matrix) ⇒ Returns the trace of a matrix (the sum of the diagonal elements)
Category: operation
Param |
matrix |
Matrix.mapMany(...matrices, fn) ⇒ Creates a new matrix with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the supplied set of matrices.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
fn | function |
//Calculate a gaussian function in 2D for a range -3:0.1:3 in x and y.;const YX=Matrix;const gauss=Matrix;
Matrix.bin(...matrices, [fn]) ⇒ Creates a new binary matrix with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the supplied set of one or more matrices.
Category: operation
Param | Type | Description |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
[fn] | function |
Optional for the special case of a single parameter, mandatory otherwise |
//Sum only the values of a matrix above a threshold;const m = Matrix;const selection = Matrix;const sum = Matrix; //If using bin a lot, consider mixing it inMatrix;console;
Matrix.mult(...matrices) ⇒ Performs matrix multiplication on a list of matrices and/or scalars
Category: operation
Param | Type | Description |
...matrices | Matrix | Number |
At least one parameter must be a matrix or convertible to a matrix through Matrix.from |
;const mag = Matrix;console;//a 3x3 identity matrix (plus some round-off error)
Matrix.det(matrix) ⇒ Calculate the determinant of a matrix.
The determinant is calculated by the standard naive algorithm which scales really really badly (the algorithm is O(n!)). Once LU decomposition has been added to the library then that will provide an O(n^3) method which is much faster.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
Matrix.ldiv(A, B) ⇒ Left-division. Solve Ax = B for x.
Solve the system of linear equations Ax = B for x. In Matlab/Octave
this can be expressed as A\B
. Equivalent to using Matrix.div where Matrix.ldiv(A,B)
gives the same answer as Matrix.div(B.t,A.t).t
Category: operation
Param | Type |
A | Matrix |
B | Matrix |
Matrix.div(A, B) ⇒ Right-division. Solve xB = A for x.
Solve the system of linear equations xB = A for x. In Matlab/Octave
this can be expressed as A/B
. Equivalent to using Matrix.div where Matrix.div(A,B)
gives the same answer as Matrix.ldiv(B.t,A.t).t
Category: operation
Param | Type |
A | Matrix |
B | Matrix |
Matrix.inv(matrix) ⇒ Calculate the inverse of a matrix.
Uses the ldiv operation to calculate the inverse. NOTE: it is really not good practice to use a matrix inverse, instead consider using div or ldiv directly. For a more thorough exposition on this see, for example, "Don't invert that matrix"
Category: operation
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
Matrix.abs(matrix) ⇒ Return a new matrix containing the element-wise absolute values of the source matrix.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
matrix | Matrix |
Matrix.grid(rows, [cols]) ⇒ Generate a regular grid in 2D space
This is equivalent to the Matlab/Octave function ndgrid for the 2d case. Once the rows and cols parameters are expanded to arrays, the first returned matrix contains the rows array as a column matrix repeated to match the size of the cols array. Similarly the second returned matrix is the cols array as a row matrix repeated to match the size of the rows array.
Category: operation
Param | Type | Description |
rows | Range | Number |
If a number n this is converted to a range 0:n-1, otherwise a range is expected. |
[cols] | Range | Number |
If a number n this is converted to a range 0:n-1, otherwise a range is expected. |
Matrix.cross(A, B, [dim]) ⇒ Calculate the cross product(s) of two vectors or sets of vectors.
Both matrices must contain either 1 or N 3-element row vectors or column vectors. The orientation of the vectors must be consistent between the two matrices, and the returned matrix will use the same orientation. If both contain a single vector, the cross product of those vectors will be returned. If both contain N vectors, then the returned matrix will contain the N cross products of each vector pair. If one matrix has 1 vector and the other N then the returned matrix will be the N cross products of the single vector with each of N vectors from the other matrix.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
A | Matrix |
B | Matrix |
[dim] | Number |
;console; // should be [0,0,1]
Matrix.dot(A, B, [dim]) ⇒ Calculate the scalar dot product(s) of two vectors or sets of vectors.
Both matrices must contain either 1 or N row vectors or column vectors of equal length. The orientation of the vectors must be consistent between the two matrices, and the returned matrix will use the same orientation. If both contain a single vector, the dot product of those vectors will be returned as a scalar value. If both contain N vectors, then the returned matrix will contain the N dot products of each vector pair. If one matrix has 1 vector and the other N then the returned matrix will be the N dot products of the single vector with each of N vectors from the other matrix.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
A | Matrix |
B | Matrix |
[dim] | Number |
Matrix.kron(A, B) ⇒ Calculate the Kronecker tensor product of two matrices
If the two matrices have the dimensions m x n and p x q then the returned matrix will have dimensions mp x nq and will be a block matrix containing all possible products of the elements of two matrices.
Category: operation
Param | Type |
A | Matrix |
B | Matrix |
const A = Matrix;const B = Matrix;K = Matrix;console;// [[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ],// [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ],// [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ],// [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ]]
* * *
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