TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.4.8 • Public • Published


TAAPI.IO is an API that calculates Technical Analysis Indicator values.

This NPM package is a wrapper and a client for communicating with the TAAPI.IO API

Using this service requires registration. Please check TAAPI.IO. We offer free and paid plans.

Please refer to our main TAAPI.IO Documentation. Here we will provide in-depts explainations and examples.

Getting started

  • Sign up for a free/paid API key at TAAPI.IO
  • Create a new node project: npm init
  • Install this package: npm i taapi --save


Get started quickly with NodeJS and calculate indicator values with very few lines of code.

  • Create your entry js file (index.js / index.ts for instance) containing:
// Import taapi
import Taapi from 'taapi'; // See out main docs for Common JS usage

// Setup client with authentication
const taapi = new Taapi("<MY_SECRET>");

// RSI for Bitcoin to the US Dollar on the hourly from Binance
taapi.getIndicator("rsi", "BTC/USDT", "1h").then( rsi => {

Fetch the last closed 200 period Exponential Moving Average for Bitcoin to the Dollar on the 1 hour timeframe from the Bybit exchange.

// Import taapi
import Taapi from 'taapi'; // See out main docs for Common JS usage

// Setup client with authentication
const taapi = new Taapi("<MY_SECRET>");

taapi.getIndicator("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1h", { period: 200, backtrack: 1 }, "bybit").then( ema => {

Stocks & Forex

Using our integration partner Polygon.io, you can easily fetch indicators from the US Stocks & Forex markets. Visit our guide on how to use Polygon.io with TAAPI.IO for detailed explanations.

// Import taapi
import Taapi from 'taapi'; // See out main docs for Common JS usage

// Setup client with authentication
const taapi = new Taapi("<MY_SECRET>");

// Set provider
taapi.setProvider("polygon", "<POLYGON_SECRET>");

// Get stocks indicator
taapi.getIndicator("macd", "AAPL", "1d", { 
    type: "stocks"
}).then( macd => {

For Forex examples, please visit out main documentation.

Calling multiple indicators in Bulk

// Import taapi
import Taapi from 'taapi'; // See out main docs for Common JS usage

// Setup client with authentication
const taapi = new Taapi("<MY_SECRET>");

// Reset

// Add calculations
taapi.addCalculation("rsi", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "rsi_1h");
taapi.addCalculation("macd", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "macd_1h");
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "ema_fast_1h", { period: 9, backtrack: 1 });
taapi.addCalculation("ema", "BTC/USDT", "1h", "ema_slow_1h", { period: 20, backtrack: 1 });

// Execute Crypto request
taapi.executeBulk().then( results => {
}).catch( error => {

For Stocks & Forex examples, please visit out main documentation.

Discover Symbols

// Import taapi
import Taapi from 'taapi'; // See out main docs for Common JS usage

// Setup client with authentication
const taapi = new Taapi("<MY_SECRET>");

// Get all USDT pairs traded on Binance
taapi.getExchangeSymbols("crypto", "binance", "USDT").then( symbols => {

For more examples including Stocks & Forex, please visit our main documentation.

v1.4.0 Breaking Updates

As of version 1.4.0 of this NPM package is completely rewritten in TypeScript. It does not use CCXT anymore as the data-source, but TAAPI.IO's inhouse data source. To keep using the legacy CCXT client, please see the: taapi-ccxt package. Alternatively install this package version 1.3.1

Package Sidebar


npm i taapi

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  • taapi