
0.2.5 • Public • Published

Tabbed MacOS-Like Modal

Tabbed MacOS-Like Modal is a Vue 3 plugin for creating modals like MacOS Settings App

tabbed macos-like modal

Mobile version tabbed macos-like modal mobile item opened tabbed macos-like modal menu


Use the npm to install

npm i tabbed-macos-modal

Register globally

import TabbedModal from 'tabbed-macos-modal'
import 'tabbed-macos-modal/dist/style.css'

const app = createApp(...)


Or register locally

import { TabbedModal, TabbedModalItem } from 'tabbed-macos-modal'
import 'tabbed-macos-modal/dist/style.css'


  @close="showModal = false"
  <!-- <template #title>
    custom title 🌍
  </template> -->
  <!-- <template #sidebar>
    <span class="my-custom-tab" @click="modal.goto('main', true)">To Main tab 😱</span>
    <span class="my-custom-tab" @click="modal.goto('modifications', true)">To Modifications</span>
    <span class="my-custom-tab" @click="modal.goto('childModificationsDeep2')">To childModificationsDeep1 👽</span>
  </template> -->
  <!-- <template #closeIcon>
      close button here 👀
  </template> -->

  content here...
  <TabbedModalItem name="main" title="Main tab">
    <a href="#" @click="modal.goto('childModificationsDeep2')">-> childModificationsDeep2 tab</a>
    content here...
    <template #footer>

  <TabbedModalItem name="products" title="Products">
    <template #header>
      <span class="custom-header">
        my custom header 👽👽👽

    content here...

    <template #footer>

  <TabbedModalItem name="modifications" head-title="modifications head title 👋">
    <a href="#" @click="modal.goto('childModifications')">-> childModifications</a>

    <TabbedModalItem name="childModifications" title="Modification Items" @goback="console.log('go back!')">
      I'M childModifications

      <!-- example of dynamic height calculation feature, check in mobile mode! -->
      <button class="button" @click="displayImage = !displayImage">click me</button>

      <img src="/defend.jpg">

      <a href="#" @click="modal.goto('childModificationsDeep1')">-> childModificationsDeep1</a>
      <a href="#" @click="modal.goto('childModificationsDeep2')">-> childModificationsDeep2</a>

      <div class="test" v-if="displayImage">
        dynamic content...

      <div class="beautiful-block" v-if="!displayImage" style="width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: red;"></div>

      <TabbedModalItem name="childModificationsDeep1" ref="childModificationsDeep1Ref" @goback="console.log('childModificationsDeep1')">
        I'M childModificationsDeep1
        <template #footer>
          <button @click="childModificationsDeep1Ref.goBack()">save and go back</button>
          <button @click="modal.goto('products', true)">go to products</button>

      <TabbedModalItem name="childModificationsDeep2">
        I'M childModificationsDeep1

  <TabbedModalItem name="composition" title="Composition" head-title="test head title">
    content here
    <template #footer>
      composition footer

  <template #mainFooter>

TabbedModal Props (See example in src/App.vue)

Prop Type Description Default
title string title for modal (top left corner) Default Title
sectionsMode boolean if true, then on mobile looks like iOS settings app, otherwise sidebar tabs will be horizontally scrollable true
openFirstSection boolean If true and sectionsMode is also set to true, then on mobile, when modal is open, content of the first modalItem will be displayed true
sidebarSearch boolean enables search in sidebar for tabs true
searchPlaceholder string Placeholder for sidebar search input Search…
needCloseIcon boolean enables close icon (top right corner) true
sidebarWidth Number, String Sets sidebar width (will not work if dynamic sidebar width is enabled) 180
dynamicSidebarWidth boolean If enabled, sidebar width will be based on length of longest item in sidebar false
maxDynamicSidebarWidth Number, String Sets max width for tabs in sidebar if dynamicSidebarWidth is enabled. If width of tabs is greater, then text will be wrapped 320
needFooter boolean Enables or disables footer true
simple boolean if true, then sidebar is disabled and content inside modal parent component will be displayed false
panDesktop boolean Enables or disables pan on desktop false
panMobile boolean Enables or disables pan on mobile true
height Number, String Sets height for modal 600
fixedHeight boolean If true, then height prop will be set as max height for modal and on mobile dynamic height calculation will be disabled false
contentWidth Number, String Sets content for modalItem content. On mobile content width is set to 100% 520

TabbedModalItem Props (See example in src/App.vue)

Prop Type Description Default
name * string Name for component. This prop is used for navigation between props (see example). * required
title string Will be displayed in header content null
headTitle string title for content head. If set together with title, then title will be displayed in sidebar and headTitle will be in header content null


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Package Sidebar


npm i tabbed-macos-modal

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142 kB

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Last publish


  • tinkomob