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Tailwind Color Schemes Plugin

This Tailwind CSS plugin provides a flexible way to define and use color schemes in your Tailwind CSS project. It allows you to configure global colors, scheme-specific colors, and use these colors throughout your project with optional opacity.


  1. Install Tailwind CSS if you haven't already:

    npm install tailwindcss -D
  2. Install the plugin:

    npm install tailwind-schemes -D


  1. Configuration

    Add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js:

    // tailwind.config.js
    const { schemes, resetCSS } = require('tailwind-schemes')
    module.exports = {
      // ... other configurations
      plugins: [
          selector: 'data-theme', // Optional: "class" or any selector (default is 'data-theme' => [data-theme="dark/light/custom..."])
          prefix: 'tw-schemes', // Optional: default is 'tw-schemes'
          schemes: {
            root: {
              primary: '#3490dc',
              secondary: '#ffed4a',
              // More root colors...
            light: {
              primary: '#ffffff',
              secondary: '#000000',
              // More colors for the light theme...
            dark: {
              primary: '#000000',
              secondary: '#ffffff',
              // More colors for the dark theme...
            customTheme: {
              primary: '#00ff00',
              secondary: '#ffff00',
              // More colors for the custom theme...
          html: 'text-primary', // Defined in schemes
          body: {
            padding: 0,
          // More options...
  2. Using the Colors

    • CSS Variables

      The plugin generates CSS variables for your color schemes. You can use these variables in your CSS files:

      .example-class {
        color: var(--tw-schemes-primary);
        background-color: var(--tw-schemes-secondary);
    • Tailwind Classes

      Tailwind classes will be extended with your custom colors. You can use them directly in your HTML:

      <div class="text-primary bg-secondary">
        This text uses custom colors defined in the color schemes.



The main function to configure your color schemes.

  • Parameters:
    • config (optional): An object with the following properties:
      • selector (string): The CSS selector for the theme. Default is 'data-theme'.
      • prefix (string): The prefix for the CSS variables. Default is 'tw-schemes'.
      • schemes (object): An object where keys are theme names and values are color schemes.


A helper function to manage color objects.

  • Parameters:

    • color (object|string): A color object or a string.
    • key (optional, string): The key for the color. Default is 500.
  • Returns: A color object with the default and foreground colors set if they are not already defined.


A helper function to generate a color shades.

  • Parameters:

    • baseColor (string): A hex string color.
  • Returns: A color object with shades generated from 50-950


A helper plugin to add global css

  • Parameters:

    • options (object): define any base options (using tailwind classnames or css-properties).
  • Recommended setting

     "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
       ["resetCSS\\((([^()]*|\\([^()]*\\))*)\\)", "[\"'`]([^\"'`]*).*?[\"'`]"],


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  • onepercman