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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Circuit Breaker CI

A zero-dependency Node.js circuit breaker that executes asynchronous functions and monitors their execution status. When things start failing, circuit breaker plays dead and fails fast.


import CircuitBreaker from "circuit-breaker";

(async () => {
  const breaker = new CircuitBreaker(AsyncAction, {
    timeout: 100,
    maxFailures: 3,
    resetTimeout: 3000,
    debug: true,

  // Initially, breaker must be in the CLOSE state
  await breaker.fire(...args);

  // Reject the promise $maxFailures times to OPEN the breaker
  for (let i = 1; i <= breaker.options.maxFailures; i++)
    await breaker.fire(...args).catch(() => {});

  // Breaker must be in the OPEN state for the next $resetTimeout milliseconds
  breaker.fire(...args).catch(() => {});

  // Wait for $resetTimeout milliseconds
  await sleep(breaker.options.resetTimeout);

  // Resolve the promise 1 time to CLOSE the breaker
  await breaker.fire(...args);

  // Breaker must be in the CLOSE state
  for (let i = 1; i <= breaker.options.maxFailures - 1; i++)
    breaker.fire(...args).catch(() => {});

  // Resolve the promise 1 time to CLOSE the breaker
  await breaker
    .fire(...args, (breaker.options.timeout as number) + 1)
    .catch(() => {});

Readme sample can be found in the example.

Configuration Options

Property Type Explanation Default Value
timeout Number | Boolean The time in milliseconds that action should be allowed to execute before timing out. Timeout can be disabled by setting this to false. 10000 (10 seconds)
maxFailures Number The number of times the circuit can fail before opening. 10
resetTimeout Number The time in milliseconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 10000 (10 seconds)
debug Boolean Enable/disable debug logging. false

How is it tracks the circuit breaker status?

The Status class, Tracks execution status for a given circuit breaker. It listen for all events on the circuit breaker and track them in a rolling statistical window. The window consists of an array of Objects like this:

  { failures: 0, successes: 0, rejects: 0, fires: 0, timeouts: 0 },
  { failures: 0, successes: 0, rejects: 0, fires: 0, timeouts: 0 },
  { failures: 0, successes: 0, rejects: 0, fires: 0, timeouts: 0 },

Each representing the counts for a circuit breaker events.

Local Development

Clone the repository, and navigate into it.

Install development dependencies:


Make your changes, then run tests:

yarn test


MIT License




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  • tajpou