
2.5.2 • Public • Published

Task Language

Mimicking assembly. Easy to visualize, modify and boost production speed.


  • Event loop? Never heard of that.
  • setTimeout? Why should I use that?
  • Promises? Don't promise something you can't do.
  • Here, let me introduce the task language, aka SWEATSHOP, to you.
  • Simple to use, simple to implement, but most importantly, it's free.

What's new

  "2.5.2": add RUNMARK()
  "2.5.0": run() can exit on specific mark
  "2.4.3": fix error and silence the SUBTASK EXIT message
  "2.4.1": replace _EXECUTE with SUBTASK
  "2.3.1": support inner jump SKIP within _EXECUTE

What's Ancient

Past updates
  "2.2.1": fix error's index
  "2.1.9": minor changes
  "2.1.8": roll back, remove 2.1.7 requirement
  "2.1.7": _CUTINLINE and _EXECUTE only accept array of functions now
  "2.0.1": add "this" binding
  "2.0.0": fix undefined error, ADDLookupCommand and ADDLookup can now be destructured
  "1.8.2": add ADDLookupCommand, change LABOR to accept both string and function
  "1.7.5": add previousResult
  "1.7.4": save the MEMORY if error were catched
  "1.7.3": format, add RESET, RUN() is now rerunnable.
  "1.6.2": add quick INJECT and log function correctly
  "1.5.3": log full args, prevent [Object Object]
  "1.5.2": remove output
  "1.5.1": add _CUTINLINE
  "1.4.1": RUN can start from a specific mark
  "1.3.3": add _EXECUTE, fix JUMP error
  "1.2.2": change error catch behavior
  "1.1.2": add SUBTASK, change error message, add more examples.
  "1.0.1": capitalize method names to be easily distinguishable, and change LABOR.


Let's just jump into it.

var { TaskLanguage } = require("tasklanguage");
let task = new TaskLanguage();
  bingo: (word, w2) => console.log(word + w2)
  task.INJECT((mem, index) => {
  task.INJECT((mem, index) => {
  task.INJECT((mem, index) => {
  task.WAIT(mem => mem.book != undefined),
  task.INJECT((mem, index) => {
    if (!mem.page) return (mem.page = 1);
    mem.page += 1;
  task.JUMPIF((mem, index) => mem.page > 5, undefined, "v3"),
  task.LABOR("bingo", "pp ", "hard")
setTimeout(() => task.SETMemory({ book: "interesting" }), 5000);
// 1.6.2 & later
task.ADDCommand((mem, index) => {
  console.log(mem, index);
// 2.0.0 & later
let ballRP = (ball = number => console.log("bucket", number));
ballRP = task.ADDLookup({ ball }).ball;


ADDCommand(...commands: any)

add commands to the command list.

ADDLookup(pairs: { [key: string]: Function })

add user defined functions to the lookupmap

ADDLookupCommand(...functions: Function[])

add user defined functions to the lookupmap

ADDSignalMap(pairs: {})

add user defined exit code and message to the signalmap

SETMemory(pairs: {})

publicly setting the inner memory for command list

RUN(indexOrMark: number | string = 0, exits?: number | string)

running from beginning (index = 0) or specific mark. & exiting on specific mark.

RUNMARK(...MARKS : string[])

run specific mark range, end 'til next mark.

MARK(name: string)

Generate Marking

JUMP(indexOrMark: number | string)

Jump to the mark or the index of the whole commands array

JUMPIF(condition: (memory: {}, index: number) => any,trueDest?: number | string,falseDest?: number | string)

condition: function, takes in current MEMORY as first param, current index as second param.

trueDest: index or mark when condition returned true

falseDest: index or mark when condition returned false

INJECT(callback: (memory: {}, index: number) => any)

callback: function, takes in current MEMORY as first param, current index as second param.

SUBTASK(...commands: any)

execute subcommands, shared memory, lookupmap, signalmap, but not MARK

WAIT(exitCondition: number | ((memory: {}, index: number) => any))

exitCondition : ms(*1000 to be second) or callback, the condition check rate is every second.


within _EXECUTE, JUMP to the end

RESET(clearMemory = false)

reset the current task progress

EXIT(exitCode: string, error?: String | Promise)

exitCode :

{ "-1" : program terminated after finish,
  "-2" : program terminated by user,
  "-3" : program exit with error }

error: can be self defined string.

_EXECUTE(...commands: any)

similar to SUBTASK, but can actually execute commands, Better use it WITHIN a function. replace original with subtask

_CUTINLINE(...commands: any)

will use _EXECUTE right after current command.

LABOR(userKey: string | function, ...args: any)

userKey: the name of your function that you want to run (MUST BE PREDEFINED)

args: the arguments of the function.


the temporary storage of the last result

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