
1.0.19 • Public • Published


A package to automatically build teams for Pokemon Showdown in the gen8nationaldexag & gen7anythinggoes formats

Use config.cutoff to change the building style by changing it between 0 and 10. Lower cutoffs result in more offensive teams that are less likely to have effective meta checks, while higher cutoffs generally result in bulkier teams. Add additional sets to the appropriate file in src/mon-sets/.


  • buildTeam() returns a team using the builderconfig.json file

Config Info

Create a builderconfig.json file in the main directory of your project to control teams that are built by this package. An example of formatting for the builderconfig file can be found as "configtemplate.json".

  • "teamNumber" controls the number of teams built. Whenever multiple teams are built, they'll be exported in a bulk format.
  • "cutoff" controls the threshold at which the builder will allow a given pokemon onto a team, resulting in potentially less reliable builds at lower levels, but overly similar builds at higher levels. Cutoff 10 is likely to results in glitchy or inconsistent building.
  • "teamLength" controls the number of Pokémon in a team, on the off chance that you want more / fewer than 6
  • "tier" controls the tier being built for. Current options are gen7anythinggoes and gen8nationaldexag.
  • "mode" controls what type of teams the builder will create. Current options are balance, offense, and stall.
  • "coreMode" controls whether or not the builder uses an experimental, currently natdex-only, building mode where the team starts with a pre-chosen set of 3 Pokémon.
  • "breakerThreshold" is the minimum value for the breaker stat below which the builder will rebuild a team. Higher values lead to more offensive teams, potentially to the detriment of the other stats. Low values will not necessaily lead to correspondingly reduced offensive presence. This feature is balance-only.
  • "recurseThreshold" is the minimum value for a given stat below which the builder will rebuild a team. If this value is set too high, an error will likely appear. Higher values will lead to better teams, but only up to a point, beyond which teams may appear overly similar. Optimal values for this field are integers between 10 and 20. This feature does nothing if teamNumber is greater than 1, owing to stack size limitations. This feature applies only to balance and stall.
  • "monsToAvoid" allows the user to decide if there are certain Pokémon that they do not want on their team. Commonly used options are Chansey or Diancie. Formatting within the [] is "mon","mon","mon", etc. This field is not case-sensitive.
  • "startMon" allows the user to provide a set around which to build a team. The set should be formatted as below for natdex. For gen7, the formatting can be found in the gen7sets file. "__check" information is optional, but should be incuded for best results.

Set Formatting

{ set: { name:"", item:"", ability:"", evs:"", nature:"", moves:["", "", "", ""] }, breaker:, ogreCheck:, donCheck:, ygodCheck:, xernCheck:, rayCheck:, zygCheck:, zacCheck:, mega:, z:, rocks:, defog: }

All fields between "breaker" and "zacCheck" should be integers between 0 and 10. All fields between "mega" and "defog" should be booleans. An optional "cleric": true field can be added after "defog", in the event of cleric use. This format can be used for both the "startMon" field in config.js or for any of the three natdex sets files. Gen7 set files use a slightly different format, which can be found in either gen7sets.json or gen7leads.json

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  • geysers