Using the split-test library
- First import the library:
import {NAME_OF_SPLIT_TEST} from '/path/to/constants/split-test-experiments';
import tgSplitTest from 'teamgantt-split-test';
- Check if the user is in the split-test:
const isUserInSplitTest = tgSplitTest.isInExperiment(NAME_OF_SPLIT_TEST);
Note: If the user is not in the current split test, it will place them in the test and return their placement.
- The experiment should be handled in such a way that it follows the following logic:
if (isUserInSplitTest) {
// the experiment, the current user should see the changes from the split test
} else {
// the original, the current user should not see any changes
Using the JS file as a script tag:
- Import the split-test bundle:
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
- Check if the user is in the split-test:
var isUserInSplitTest = window.tgSplitTest.isInExperiment(NAME_OF_SPLIT_TEST);
- See step #3 above.