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0.1.2 • Public • Published


RabbitMQ-backed TypeScript Microservices.

Pronunciation: tɛ́mɪ́t. Teh-mitt.


Requester fallbacks

I really like the idea of sending a request off and automatically getting null as the response even if something errored. Problem is, this also relies on users ensuring that they're handling those hidden errors.

It's possible to provide fallback functionality as a requester option, but I think it'd be a good idea to force users to be handling errors elsewhere (via an onError function or something similar) before we allow it.


An interesting pattern to try and support would be decorators.

// public
import { TemitClient } from "@jpwilliams/temit";
const Temit = new TemitClient();
@Temit.Endpoint("user.create", {
  queue: "v1.user.create",
async function createUser(
  @Event() event: Event, // optional
  username: string
): Promise<User> {
  return {
    id: 123,
    from: event.id,

My concern is that decorators used outside of an over-arching framework become cumbersome and confusing. In addition, there would be no way to interact with the endpoint to close/pause/resume etc. It is my understanding that this sort of use would be for very simple set-ups.

An interesting project to add on top should it be seen as viable, though.

Examples in TypeScript

Add examples right in to the TypeScript source as comments, similar to Golang. Good types are the key to success here.


Trying to use API Extractor. Let's push the docs to Docusaurus.

(event, data) shape of consumer handlers

It breaks being able to really easily share functions if we have to adjust it to also handle the event parameter.

Is there a sensible way to optionally specify this?

  • Could flip it to (data, event) but then that limits multi-arg handling which is still undecided
  • Could enforce providing a function(){} so we can assign it to this, but that's ugly and can cause problems.

Initial connection

The TemitClient connection and consumers (endpoints and listeners) should automatically connect. With this, we could add a lazy option to both TemitClient and consumers.

For TemitClient, lazy is, by default, false, meaning the client connects automatically.

If lazy is true, the TemitClient only connects once a component requests a connection or .connect() is explicitly called.

For consumers, there's no logical opportunity to lazily connect, so instead we could name the option autoConnect or connectOnStart. Or perhaps just open? I like open as it fits well with the method name.

If the option is set to true (which is the default), then the consumer bootstraps immediately upon being instantiated.

If the option is set to false, it doesn't bootstrap until .open() is explicitly called.

Negative acknowledgements

If a listener fails to handle a message and it's nacked, nothing happens. We just drop the message.

It'd be cool to add a global dead letter exchange that we can store messages in for later requeueing.

At the very least, we'd ideally keep requeueing the failing messages until it has failed a configurable number of times. https://www.rabbitmq.com/dlx.html


Have tracing data included in message headers. With this, a Remit listener could listen to "*" to capture all messages in the system build traces from it.




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  • jpwilliams