Typescript + Esbuild + Nodemon. Typescript runner, bundler, watcher powered by esbuild & nodemon
Local installation
npm install --save-dev esbuild nodemon temon
To use the binary, you can call it with npx
while in the project directory:
npx temon index.ts
npx temon index.ts --build dist/index.js
npx temon index.ts --build dist/index.js --minify
npx temon index.ts --watch
Global installation
npm install --global esbuild nodemon temon
Then, you can call temon
temon index.ts
temon index.ts --build dist/index.js
temon index.ts --build dist/index.js --minify
temon index.ts --watch
You can also pass arguments:
temon "index.ts --test" --watch